“If I have to create stories so that
the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American peoplewe win, then that’s what I’m going to do.”Yea, we already knew that JD, thanks.
Right? I get that some of middle America feels slighted, and I’m all for preventing the hollowing out of small town America, but I don’t see lying xenophobic scapegoating being the answer here. That’s how you get nationalist parties and paramilitary “cultural enforcement” groups.
Instead, I see a need to foster and fund community organizations and civil engagement. Improved infrastructure and green spaces. More affordable housing - bring people back into the towns rather than the outskirts of it. But unfortunately, oddly, for some reason, that’s not as easy of a sell as the “people be eating your pets” trope.
They think it’s “smart people’s” fault, and those college educated, holier-than-thou smarty pants folks with their big words and fancy wine-sippin’ need to be punished. I think a lot of them know they’re being misled, they just don’t really care.
They know we hate Trump, and so that’s a good enough indication that he must be the solution. Very simple-minded stuff.
In philosophy, ressentiment (/rəˌsɒ̃.tiˈmɒ̃/; French pronunciation: [ʁə.sɑ̃.ti.mɑ̃] ⓘ) is one of the forms of resentment or hostility. The concept was of particular interest to some 19th-century thinkers, most notably Friedrich Nietzsche. According to their use, ressentiment is a sense of hostility directed toward an object that one identifies as the cause of one’s frustration, that is, an assignment of blame for one’s frustration.[1] The sense of weakness or inferiority complex and perhaps even jealousy in the face of the “cause” generates a rejecting/justifying value system, or morality, which attacks or denies the perceived source of one’s frustration. This value system is then used as a means of justifying one’s own weaknesses by identifying the source of envy as objectively inferior, serving as a defense mechanism that prevents the resentful individual from addressing and overcoming their insecurities and flaws. The ego creates an enemy to insulate themselves from culpability.
Unions. Tax the rich. Enforce environmental and labor laws. House the homeless. Fund education. This is all fixable but the billionaires who own us don’t want it fixed.
“If you think my Haitian stories are bad, just wait until I start making up stories about Jews. I get most of my “news” from this website called 4chan. Ever heard of it?”
But I saw it on TV
So this is surely enough grounds to sue, if not criminally prosecute, this cunt.
If someone gets hurt I hope they do. Because they do this maliciously.
They’ll take the Alex Jones’s defense… “I’m not responsible for what our supporters do. I just say false things until our supporters actually feel like they need to do violence to save the country.”
Yeah, and how did that work out for jones.?
Although he’s still out there, his assets should be garnished down to the social minimum.
Alex Jones’s is a ant compared to Trump and JD. Any case against them will go up to the Supreme Court… And we all know how that ends.
Sure, just like we created a story about him fucking a couch to bring attention to what a weird little choad he is.
If I Vote for the Guys Making up Stories to Scare me my life is going to GREATLY IMPROVE!
Doesn’t “so hungry they eat cats” indicate the failures of the food safety net and the suffering of the immigrants? I don’t get why this story would make anyone with an ounce of empathy less sympathetic to immigrants instead of more sympathetic.
Because it’s not about making immigrants more sympathetic. It’s about racism.
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Haitian is a nationality rather than a race. But yes, it’s discrimination.
Do you really think they’re talking about Haitians? If you see someone stealing and eating a pet, how do you know they’re Haitian? Even if you hear an accent. Maybe they’re from another island in the Caribbean.
This is about black people.
Uhh no.
I mean it is literally about Haitians though, as the city of Springfield Ohio already had been incentivizing cheap import labor to take over for the American labor that had left and wouldn’t work for low wages.
Literally, a guaranteed work status and easy entry because of destabilizing forces in Haiti has meant a huge influx to the point that now more than 1 in 4 residents in Springfield are in fact Haitian.
It doesn’t mean that outlandish stories to create fear and tension are a good idea but just casually changing the details to say it’s about black people is you also trying to push a narrative on a struggling city with many real issues that are its own.
This all started with a couple of pictures of black people with dead animals. Those people were called Haitian whether they were or not because it’s easier to get away with that.
You cannot tell someone is Haitian just by looking at them.
No it started with a hodunk town being stressed by its changing landscape that is putting stress on its local residents and the Haitians that are moving there creating a powder keg of stressed resources like housing, traffic and jobs, being used as a political tool.
I understand that people are using this to use to point at generalized black people and racism (just look at you) but there is a legitimate story and starting seed for this that starts before the pandering that is happening now.
Problems can exist before you see the smoke and the problem is not the smoke but the potential fire that somehow does seem to be ignored by everyone who’d rather talk around it.
No, Trump and Vance and their surrogates are doing generalized racism. You’re just not hearing the blatant dog whistles.
And I couldn’t care less what a bunch of assholes in Aurora think about legal immigrants in their community takin’ the jerbs and daring to open Haitian food restaurants. I really couldn’t care less.
It really is a scathing indictment of our country that, even if the allegations were true (they aren’t), the proposed solution to the problem Republicans have offered up is to deport all of the people back to their home country rather than just… I dunno. Making sure they have other means of feeding themselves.
What the fuck has become of our society?
What the fuck has become of our society?
Mass media manipulation, constant class war, a legacy of ultrapatriotism, and crippled education has turned us into a nation of people arrogant in their own ignorance and fed up with how shit the world is today.
Mass media keeps us all at each other’s throats, stirring up hate and violence for views, and those media owners are almost all old conservative white men who will gladly court fascism for lower taxes.
What we perceive as food safety net failures is just another active weapon in the class war.
Everyone will wring their hands and say ‘What can we do it’s the economy!’ when it is rich people actively trying to erase who they consider as undesirable.
They aren’t trying to eliminate the poor. The rich want them desperate enough that they “choose” to become slaves.
This is actually incorrect and European nobility showed the template.
Do you know who served in the houses of the truly powerful? The children of the slightly less powerful. For example, the Groom of the Stool, charged with wiping the king’s ass amongst other toiletry things, was a position hotly contested by noble families of all levels.
Once they wipe out the poverty class, their servants will be what remains of the middle class, who will be desperate to maintain their lifestyle.
It isn’t spoken of out loud but among the ultra wealthy, having an all white staff is considered a mark of social status. And once those disenfranchised middle class families bend the knee, their uncertain future is resolved and we have reinvented feudalism.
It’s where we’re heading.
Yeah Vietnamese people ate dogs, cats, rats,etc. But not in the US. In Vietnam, during the war. Only because the war caused food scarcity.
An old Vietnamese man explained to me they didn’t kill their pets. But if their pet died, they would give it to their neighbours to eat, and their neighbours would do the same if their pet died. Because no matter how hungry they got, they wouldn’t want to eat their own dog.
Both sad and strangely heartwarming. I wonder if this is where these stories originated from.
you could look at it as they aren’t hungry, but like the taste of cat. let’s be honest, Americans don’t know much about other countries, many have never left their own states. so they don’t know if they eat cats there or not.
We generally don’t eat animals that eat other animals to avoid collecting pathogens and diseases.
When JD watches Backroom Casting Couch, You think he jerkes off to the couch?
Nah, but he always brings a stack of ones to the Goodwill.
I don’t get it
JD Vance uses Good Will like a strip club.
Strip clubs have strippers, Goodwill has couches 🤦
It was confusing. I’ve seen JD Vance donate stacks of pre fucked couches to my local Goodwill.
Oh perhaps I misspoke. I guess maybe he prefers virgin wool. He keeps getting older, but the upholstery stays the same age.
I’m sorry, I will recline from commenting further. I’m a lazy boy for attempting such low brow humor.
I think you mean “post-fucked” couches.
Yeah, you’re right.
When he does, he has to use his free hand to cover up the other dude in the video, because beating off while another guy’s dick is in view is totally gay
There are a billion ways that people are suffering. You can talk about any of them. Inventing new ones doesn’t mean you care. It means the opposite.
Especially if your lies are demonizing a group of people who have certainly faced their own struggles.
At what point is the libel? Could every Haitian living in the US join a class action to sue vance?
At no point would anything Vance says be considered libel.
Slander however…
I’ve never heard of a class action libel suit before, I don’t think it’s a thing. Seems like libel is saying specific damaging things about a specific individual. But IANAL, I just watch a lot of Legal Eagle.
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Let’s go for it and see what happens.
Ah, the right wing strategy for the last 7 decades. It’s actually worked really well for them, they just sue for everything and let the courts decide.
The Haitian community in the Ohio River Valley should absolutely file various lawsuits tying Couchfucker up in court for the next 5 years, it’s the American Way.
Libel is specifically for written defamation. It would be slander for anything spoken. Although, these dipshits have probably tweeted (or xhitted?) about this as well.
I thought his boss hated “fake news”
Someone’s taking the piss out of it on google, got a laugh
I wonder what it’s like to be a Haitian living in Springfield right now, seeing people relentlessly posting uncritical memes about the former president’s racist lies, while various schools, businesses, and government offices are closed day after day due to threats of violence…
Can’t log in anymore without seeing weird photoshops of cats and dogs being cooked and eaten. TikTok is covered in people dancing to remixes of Trump’s racist comments. I’m sure this is all helping /s
When you’re in a hole, dig harder!
No wonder they matched him with JT.
He’d draw on a weather map with a sharpie too,
Literally do and say anything, no matter how ridiculous, to not ever admit a mistake.
If lying, restructuring my entire identity by throwing all my values overboard, or undermining the foundations of democracy in order to gain more power is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
If God didn’t want us to fuck couches, why did he make them so goddamn sexy?
The smaller ones are called “love seats”. That makes it consensual, right?
Preach 🛋️🙌
At most, claim it was sarcasm, just a joke.
Especially if you’re drilling a hole in a couch.
Fixed it.
If I had the time and wherewithal, I’d fix your fix.
As a non native speaker i was to focused if i had to use a [ ‘ ] i never considered this.
Complete redo on your end is a minor edit if you have the original file:
Ha, I wasn’t expecting a response because I know I would have been too lazy to follow-up, even for a minor edit.
Also I admire your language skills. I certainly don’t speak more than one language and not for lack of trying.
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He practically said, “I’ve been bullshit*ting you.”
well, it’s in the definition of GOP…
It’s what his cult wants.
Sounds exactly like Boris Johnson, prime minister in the UK and notorious for making up stories. He basically steered the UK economy in a dive and parachuted out so another imbecile was at the wheel when all the warnings began to blare. Stories don’t make for good policies.
That’s basically what the Trump Administration did, tho they were voted out. When Trump was complaining about the Biden economy during that talking point ad disguised as a debate, I kept getting frustrated that Harris didn’t say they were cleaning up his mess…in retrospect, I imagine that she wanted to distinguish herself from Trump’s repeated that wasn’t me that was you strategy.
Trump used all the financial emergency tools when the economy was good. He lowered taxes and interest rates. This supercharged the economy, but left us vulnerable to normal market dangers since we had nothing stable and reliable left in the event of an unforeseen contraction. Despite economists objecting and even resigning in protest, he still pushed it through because the general population doesn’t understand how the economy works. All they would see are Trump POTUS = good economy.
Obama left us with a pandemic response team to stay ahead of any possible pandemics at the advice of leading scientists. Trump disbanded the entire thing for no objective reason, just power, control, and hate. Then, COVID happened.
The COVID pandemic alone saw the worse market sell-off since the Great Depression. We were hitting multiple circuit breakers per week to stop a complete market sell-off. It was so bad, that just owning futures of oil was literally a loss because you had to pay to store it since no one was buying. People went bankrupt from one day to the next for merely owning oil.
The money printer go brrrrr meme happened under his admin to prevent the economy from spiraling out of control. GAS GAS GAS!! The underlying joke was that they kept saying that inflation wasn’t going to suffer the largest creation of currency in the country’s history. It was straight lies because how is an immense injection of trillions of dollars with no remarkable increase in production of goods not going to cause inflation? It’s impossible.
The low-ass interest rates with a halted economy left very few places to invest money, so that went into the stock market and corporations buying houses. Interest rates were lower than stock market returns, especially since the government showed it would intervene, so wealth was flowing from one to the other creating absolutely no tangible value yet accumulating wealth for the people that could afford it. It was basically a relative wealth robbery of the middle class right out in the open.
To solve the inflation crisis, Biden had to jack up interest rates. Now, no one wants to sell their house to get into a new loan with double the interest rate, which is exacerbating the housing shortage. Meanwhile, house insurance is skyrocketing due to climate change and the government hasn’t done ahit about it.
I don’t think anyone could get away with effectively hurting the economy worse than Trump did. Someone or the general population would’ve intervened.
These blatant lies are ridiculous. Seriously, from the economy to pointless rally attendance numbers, everything those people say is the opposite of truth. Whatever they blame on someone else is what they did. Whatever they claim they did is what someone else did. It’s like living in a crazy opposite land. Freaking, they stole the playbook right out from George Orwell. ughh!!
edit: typos and word choices
I kept getting frustrated that Harris didn’t say they were cleaning up his mess…in retrospect, I imagine that she wanted to distinguish herself from Trump’s repeated that wasn’t me that was you strategy.
That’s exactly it. “You did it”, “no you did it!” finger pointing doesn’t accomplish anything.
Also it’s not entirely truthful. This inflation is a global phenomena. Not everything about the economy is under the President’s control. The US has fared better than most countries and the world and Biden has managed the aspects of the economy he could extremely competently. It’s damn near impossible to come out of an economic situation like this without a recession, but he pulled it off.
But people when people feel the economy is bad telling that “the economy is good actually” just makes a candidate seem out of touch. Really what’s needed is some trust-busting (which is in the works) and raising taxes on the wealthy (also in the works). But there’s still a lot of people that believe the trickle down stuff (including the undecideds that Harris needs to get), so that won’t do either.
Inflation is always problematic politically. Someone gets a raise that matches inflation, they feel like they gained something they earned. We actually term it a pay raise (when it really shouldn’t) and employers most definitely present it as something they’re generously giving the employees. So people don’t see inflation as being the reason they got a pay raise, it’s simply the reason their pay raise was taken away from them. Inflation is difficult to explain because there’s multiple reasons for it, and trying to explain concepts around the velocity of money to someone angry about inflation isn’t going to go well. People tend to just say “it’s because the government is printing money” even when interests rates have been increased which is the opposite of printing money.
So yeah the economy is a complicated subject. So… “we’re going after the corporations for price gouging and we’re gong to bring down the cost of medicine” are the things Harris is saying because one minute is not enough time to explain the real complexities of the economy to people that believe the “trickle down” nonsense.