Over half the congregation can’t find the church.
Leave it to Stan
Those cars be so big.
It’s Texas, and those are actually fairly average around here.
Across the street to the cun† church
didn’t know command-line interfaces were religious.
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, TempleOS?
Only text based (or CLI-T) ones
Me talking about how great jq is
Suddenly nazis interested in your ted talk.
Jq also refers to the “Jewish question” which is where the “final solution” came from.
Ew fucking gross
But thanks
Jesus Qrist?
It’s a command line tool to query JSON data. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-transform-json-data-with-jq
Most Christian males don’t know what a clit is, so this is understandable.
That’s because the clitoris, and by extension the female orgasm, is a myth created by second wave feminists to make straight men seem sexually incompetent.
I refuse to believe this wasn’t intentional
They probably don’t even know what a clit is so my guess is it’s unintentional.
They knew what they were doing.
Yes, they certainly knew what they were dong.
So, I grew up in a super religious environment – which is where I grew up, not necessarily the folks in this picture. But if this was from my childhood, I would imagine it went down like this: there are quite a few people who are 100% bought in to the religious teachings. A few of those folks probably got together and developed this idea. No double entendre meant or understood. But there are also quite a few folks who are at least aware of the real world. Those folks saw this trainwreck unfolding in slow motion. But the problem is, sex is taboo. So what are they going to do? Raise the alarm? Explain to everyone who doesn’t know what a clit is? And then, worst of all, explain how they know what a clit is? Oh hell no. That’s just never going to happen. So if the team embarrasses themselves, well, I guess that was just God’s will.
Oh I’ve met some pretty innocent Christians. Keep in mind that this is the same group that gets stressed by the word “damn”. Think pure thoughts!
Most I’ve met arent any more innocent than anyone else. They just feel guiltier about everything.
Haha fair! In fairness, the time I spent around them was when we were in our early 20s so maybe not representative sample, just my experience
All the ones I’ve met are shameless hypocrites who point their finger at others while doing whatever the fuck they want and shrieking god is great
Fuck them.
It’s because it’s not real. It’s the internet. Question everthing.
I am the clit commander!!!
An offshoot of the LABIA?
Some say the CLIT is a myth.
they just myth it because they dont really try
Command line interface?!?! HELP I CANT EXIT VIMM!
is part of the shortcut?You literally type colon q exclamation mark [enter]
is basically telling vim that you want to execute a commandq
means without savingand hit enter to execute it
Very important: you have to either be in normal mode first or get there by pressing escape (or <C-[> (aka Ctrl+[)), which is mentioned in the edited image from Arrival, but left out of your explanation.
i thought it was a text emoji.
Do people use “esc” for this? I thought ctrl-c was the easy way. Esc is so much harder to reach.
I hereby declare your password is in fact not 1234
Linux men, they can’t find the clit even if you shove it in their faces
Great job, men! We finally found it!
Didn’t think to dot the “i” huh?
This joke is underappreciated
I want to giggle too, can you explain?
It’s a play on the idiom to “cross your t’s and dot your i’s”, which means to make sure to check and double check your work for any errors/omissions/etc.
So kind of two jokes for the price of one: the play on the idiom, and that they didn’t do it because of the clit joke that made it into the final draft 🤣
In addition, the i with its dot are also the X of a treasure map, for those that need help finding it.
I just assumed it was for the visual association
Brilliant! Thanks for the explanation.
You’re welcome!
They probably have more trouble finding it than most
Lol everyone knows it doesn’t exist. Or where is it mentioned in the bible?! That’s right, nowhere
You obviously haven’t read Clitoridinthians 2:24
Clitorinthians rolls better
You are ignorant as fuck if you really believe that.
You can call me ignorant but the bible ain’t lying son
The Bible is literally just a book of lies son
You’re thinking of an encyclopaedophile, the Bybel is troof
It looks kinda like a slow pitch softball team. If that’s the case they almost certainly knew because most of the team names are jokes. I knew one team made up exclusively of people in AA and NA and the team’s name was “Free Base”
If God had a CLI then techies might be more religious.
God --pray "I know I've run my program twice now and it's crashed both times and I've changed nothing in the code, but PLEASE let it work!"
I passed a big church… Building? Idk it looked weird, but it had a bunch of Christian sayings on it, and one of them was “FEAR GO”
Whats wrong with GO?
It’s freaking hard man, I don’t think I coidl ever master it.
It’s a deeply complex game dating back thousands of years. It’s extremely compelling, difficult to learn, and you could spend a lifetime mastering it. I can understand why the church fears it. Who has time for a sermon when you could be studying Tsumego and learning Joseki?
Gastrointestinal Obstructions are seriously painful, you can’t take that stuff lightly
deleted by creator
Hell yeah, brother.