is a command on MacOS, too.
is a command on MacOS, too.
I probably would have been better off maintaining Vyvanse into adulthood, but I quit taking it as soon as I had the ability to make the decision to. I felt dull, emotionless, my appetite sucked. Yes, ADD sucks and it has caused issues in my personal life, but I am who I am and I accept those parts of myself. Would my grades have been better in college? Would I have been better at maintaining social events? Sure. But sometimes you just have to build good habits to overcome whatever you can.
Well I wouldn’t want to spoil too much if you wanted to watch. It’s a comedy of errors movie, think like a Mr. Bean movie. Everything that could go wrong goes wrong. The family is all fighting, his Christmas lights outside are not working, his tree is burned, all host of crazy antics.
That’s Chevy Chase, starring in National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation. It’s older but it’s one of the most famous Christmas movies ever. It’s a great comedy
Scrub it clean with soap, then put the pan on a burner to heat dry it. At the end, rub a very thin layer of fat on it. I use clarified butter. It’s a cumulative process, you won’t see all the benefits of nonstick all at once.
I have a side business restoring antique cast iron pans and I use them for most of my cooking. I cook whatever the fuck I want in them, I leave the pan dirty on the stove a couple days sometimes when I’m busy, I use a scotch brite and scrub them clean with dish detergent, it really doesn’t matter.
Go get a shitty Walmart pan and complain that CI is too hard to work with, it’s ridiculous. My CHF #8 is an amazing piece of hardware
I added a line to my /etc/bash.bashrc:
alias shutup="sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm && poweroff"
So when I tell my command line to shut up, it auto updates and shuts down
Here’s an archive link so nobody has to give this article clicks.
Is it not possible that this photo was taken prior to the incident, and that the kid was bothered by the whole situation? I have a hard time taking the “little baby” comment too seriously. People act in very unusual ways when overdosing on adrenaline.
Body shaming a child, ascribing a whole persona based on an abberant situation, then act absolutely smug about it all. How very European.
Children grow out of being overweight all the time. And the facts are that someone WAS breaking into this house that was occupied by a child. If there were no gun, perhaps this would have been a much different article.
ETA: The OP had said something to the effect of, “kid is clearly very overweight, has no problem killing someone else and there were guns. How very American”
Jared Fogel made a career out of trying to get into smaller pants.
Part of the reason I installed Arch (BTW) is to see the looks of confusion and concern on my family’s faces as I’m computationizing
Vote for my guac bowl!
“I want a lawyer!”
Cops: Proceed to very thoroughly not respect Miranda law and continue to interrogate
Should have had a point like
❌ Everyone pronounces it wrong (gee-nome)
He’ll likely have a pretty bad neck injury without the accident. Keeping your body in an unnatural alignment like that for long periods of time is just begging for spinal injury.
A long and embattled life of anal experimentation has left the barrier to entry quite… Loose.