I hate how the US has sexualized every random word or sentence. I’m here telling my American friend how funny it is that German’s call smart phones a “handy”, like “haha silly random word that makes sense tho haha :)”, but no, ma American bud breaks down laughing imagining German’s giving each other hand jobs.
Also the constant stopping during any sentence to go “oh, I know what YOU’RE thinking, get your mind out of the gutter!”. No, I don’t, and now I have the privilege of trying to remember every single word that wa just said and trying to see what inside there could possibly be a penis. This from of “joke” never fails to annoy the shit out of me. Like please can we just continue, or do you really have to recite this copy pasta while I stare like an absolute dunce at you?
Sounds like your friend is just some dumbass who’s trying to fit something in there that just doesn’t. …that’s what she said
I’m american and this is a perfect description of americans. I’ve literally never heard this phrase once, but I don’t hang out with morons.
I read this in werner herzog’s voice.
I just had a light bulb moment as to what it is that annoys me about a large portion of US-american men: all the “dudes” temper & behaviour is adolescent - as if they never made it past puberty. Which perfectly fits the sexualized language being funny to those guys.
Uhh… your mom never made it past puberty?
Got 'em!!! Fucking burn dude!
Signed: an American
Or, we just ran out of fucks and want to have a laugh.
To be fair it’s rather odd they call it that. Germans seem rather strange with English in general.
They go to public viewings to watch on their beamers. Even when no one has died. Lothar Matthäus claims “I’m a German record player”. They carry stuff around in their body bags and listen to music from “boxen”.
Merkel even told the english press about her shitstorm. Every day there is a cringe moment.
I am also not familiar with train terminology meaning in America. What does it mean?
“To run a train on someone” means you and a lot of your friends have sex with them, one after another.
You have to open with “Chugga Chugga Choo Choo, we’re all gonna run a train on you!” Or it’s just a plain ole gangbang.
From the Orgy region of France
Also a gangbang is many to many, while a train is many to one.
No, you’re thinking of an orgy. Trains and gangbangs are both many-to-one, with the difference between them being that the former is sequential while the latter is simultaneous.
This guy (actually) fucks
This is more porn knowledge. Most people don’t actually experience gangbangs or orgies in their lives. Maybe if someone is into the whole swinger culture.
“You know when you run many commands in the terminal with &&? Like that but with penises.”
So it stops once someone doesn’t finish?
This comment combines two of life’s experiences that are usually seperate.
unzip && strip && touch && finger && grep && mount && fsck && more && yes && fsck && fsck && umount && clean && sleep
Edit: and yes, this joke is older than the gods as evidenced by the presence of
, and I’m not sureclean
is a thing in modern UN*X distros. Not in FreeBSD at any rateI can’t read
as anything other than “fs check”It sounds like fisk in my head.
All while one of the users has
in their session
Linux shouldn’t let itself be slutshamed. Linux should proud of what a good little slut it is.
Also seeing the Nitter theme like a year after its death hits hard.
We still have other nitter intances like nitter.poast.net at least.
Getting (CONSENTUALLY) gangbanged by A LOT of guys, like enough that it starts to involve logistics planning to accommodate that many people being in a single space at one time.
You guys have a word for this??? We have words like Weltschmerz or Schadenfreude but having a word for this is wild
Less a formalized word and more a turn of phrase
We have a lot of them for sex related stuff due to a looooooong history of how the culture around what’s considered vulgar has developed
Oh we got a word for schadenfreude, it’s called electoral politics here.
I guess that’s the new zeitgeist now
Zeitgeist is also a great outdoors bar in San Francisco.
A trolley problem probably.
Bitches love ethical abstraction
But wait. Do most actual trains use the linux kernel? I thought most ones were those traditional cargo ones, without any kind of computing system.
In the US I can comfirm both GE (freight and passenger) and siemens passenger locomotives run Linux. Some passenger trainsets/cars still run embedded XP.
Pretty much all locomotives running out there today have a plethora of computers for managing fuel economy, brakes, and positive train control (rules compliance). Fun fact: the union pacific’s 4104 ‘big boy’ steam engine was fitted with wabtec’s I-ETMS PTC which is powered by Linux so there’s literally a steam powered locomotive running Linux.
That’s so cool, thanks for the info and the photo.
I had to look up the meaning and now I can only imagine the confusion this person must have felt, before he figured it out, lol.
Explain please. What’s the true meaning and what’s the intended one?
“Running train” is a euphemism for a gang bang.
This account lacks commitment to the bit
The correction was so innocent sounding that I kind of liked it lol
“I an Lithuanian”
From henceforth, distro hopping will be known as running a train on Linux.
We’ll make that “Rule 34 for Linux”. I’ll have it posted to the Internet soon.
If you remember, tag me in the comments or something. I’d love to see it haha
Dangerous: https://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/Linux/1
Sorry i am foreigner too… what is the train terminology reffered to here?
You know how in a train one carriage comes after the other? One ends, then the next one starts?
Running a train on someone means one guy after the other banging them.
Just explained this to my Irish wife. To “run a train on someone” in American slang would mean having group sex with that person, potentially consecutively.
Trains are consecutive or it’s just a boring old gangbang
I’m American and I have no clue. I’m also a gooner so this must be fringe af
This is not fringe at all. There’s way your a gooner and don’t know what this means. People even use the terminology to describe the Sex scene Stephen King randomly put in “IT”. It’s a gangbang but one at a time.
I’m not a foreigner and had never heard the term before.
You sweet, innocent person.
Samus when he says that he means boring and sheltered, get out more.
Is knowing slang terms for gangbanging really that important?
Absolutely critical.
Although i appreciate you sharing this and that it probably is a video of her hanging out with bad boys, i must admit that i did not watch more than maybe 15 sec of that, combined across a new skips forward.
That’s why you don’t get it, why ask questions if you don’t want the answer?! That’s the kind of people who say they are going to run a train on a woman. Reprehensible innit love?
LOL… so you answer by sharing a music video and expect people to perceive it as an answer
Then im guilty as charged I guess
Off with his head!!! thought you said you didn’t watch most of it? Juicy Jay does quite a lecture halfway through…
Oh alright. Wouldn’t know who he is and probably wouldn’t understand his lecture based on how much i understood off the few seconds i watched. Luckilly other users have answered with words instead of music videos and they were straight forward and a lot easier to understand
I’m so happy they have disability services available for our special people ☺️
I hate how long it took me to figure out the intended meaning of this tweet.
I wanna run a train on Linux 😈
Choo Choo!
chak chak chak chak chack (the sound the wheels make or something, idk about trains, im not a train doctor)
Train surgeon here, you made the noises correctly.