I don’t believe in the whole alpha/beta male bullshit but these motherfuckers a 100% betas.
I don’t believe in the whole alpha/beta male bullshit but these motherfuckers a 100% betas.
Lol. Dude stop being such a nerd.
I quite a pack a day habit 12 years ago and one of the first things I noticed when my sense of taste and smell returned was how aweful smokers smelled when they’d walk into a building after a cigarette. I had thought the smell was off me within maybe 10 minutes but I found out quick that the smell never really goes away. Feels like a previous life thinking I smoked because I can’t see myself ever smoking even a single cig for the rest of my life because it’s so revolting to me now. Oddly enough, however, sometimes I’ll see someone light up a fresh cig in a movie or something and I’ll get this strong 2-3 second craving for a smoke. It’s so strange how even over 12 years since my last one, I still get these strange urges for a cig by seeing someone of TV light one up.
Oh, piss off, dude. We get it. You don’t eat meat and you want to argue about it with strangers on a post that has nothing at all to do with the topic. Virtue signaling as a replacement for a personality.
I’m no health food nut but I don’t know how anyone can consume Taco bell. I love tacos, and all the other food types on their menu but… taco bell? I cant do it. So nasty. If I’m gunna go out for tacos, Ima swing by an authentic hole in the wall Mexican joint and have a sweet abuelita warp that magic in a golden corn tortilla for the same price and maybe 3 minutes slower than the TB drive in line.
Mine puts up with my dad jokes and tell me I look handsome when Im all gross and covered in dirt after a long day working outside. That’s more than enough for me.
Some of us try our best. We really do. Unfortunately, we swim in a cesspool of idiots and at time it feels impossible to influence the tides of stupidity. It’s embarrassing to me. It really is. Shameful and embarrassing.
So potentially a life sentence in a mental facility. That’s far better than life in a federal prison. Glad the authorities had the sense to not just throw this kid in the slammer.
There’s only one example I can think of where this isnt the case. I don’t remember the whole story but I saw a YT video about this kid who got arrested for hacking Rockstar games. He ended up getting arrested and while in federal custody in some hotel room, he successfully hacked them again with a fucking amazon fire stick. After that he told the judge that we had no intention of stopping. Being under the age of 18, I don’t think he really had any harsh consequences but good for him, that legend.
Edit: so he was 18 during the second hack. And GOT A LIFE FUCKING SENTENCE?!?!?!
There’s only one example I can think of where this isnt the case. I don’t remember the whole story but I saw a YT video about this kid who got arrested for hacking Rockstar games. He ended up getting arrested and while in federal custody in some hotel room, he successfully hacked them again with a fucking amazon fire stick. After that he told the judge that we had no intention of stopping. Being under the age of 18, I don’t think he really had any harsh consequences but good for him, that legend.
Edit: so he was 18 during the second hack.
It wasn’t the InfinateSolutions’ battery video, I hope. And if you haven’t seen it, it’s a must watch classic about batteries.
Genuinely interested, how would you go about doing that?
I headbutted a guy for a carrot the other day. I don’t know what came over me.
It’s absolutely safe to put your PS5 in the microwave.
You can put it in the fridge and It will be okay to play on for a couple more days.
+40 - look at all those youngsters taking things so seriously. They’ve forgotten it’s just a game.
“Baitin’” Friggin hilarious. Judge is an American treasure.
I remember for a while back in the late 90’s maybe, a lot of kids would have one of those custom airbrushed shirts youd get at a flea market or county fair with their name in BIG BOLD and colorful lettering all the way across the front.
Little kids playing at their local park could easily be approached by a stranger saying, “hey joey! Your mom told be to pick you up. She’s in the hospital and we have to leave right now!” The panicked child follows the man who is seemingly confirmed sent by his mom because he knows his first name, forgetting anyone who’s not legally blind within a block of him also knows his name.
Luckily we don’t see much of that these days. Creeps are now limited to accessing merely every single detail of a child’s life because mom runs a Facebook or Instagram for their child.