Why are so many people taking this seriously? Lol
I was thinking the same. I was reading the comments and couldn’t help but feel like half of them think this is real…
It might be. It’s hard to tell the difference anymore.
For some reason I can hear it.
I believe anything after the tidepods
Even the tide pods was like 95% a joke from Gen Z on the olds. Just a few people went through with it for shock value. I saw one guy try to smoke one in a bong, it was hilarious.
Yeah, that really lowered the bar for society.
at least tide pods are colorful, like candy.
Because of the tiktok crime trend mentioned elsewhere in the thread
Any piece of information I see, especially the more official looking, I take seriously
Cause most of this community are posts that are serious. You can’t blame people for getting confused when an actual meme shows up.
They are ?
Why is Lemmy so boomer-brained?
Love how we’ve fully monetized kids doing stupid shit for attention. This has been a revenue stream we’ve left untapped for far too long.
Somebody wants to get hired by The Onion.
Add “stabbing yourself in the face” to the ever-growing list of things people didn’t use to be so stupid they had to be warned not to do.
It’s political correctness gone mad.
You can’t do anything now. The liberals won’t even let you slit your own throat. It’s madness.
Nah, it’s just a legacy of British colonialism, it’s forbidden by the state to harm yourself in UK (half joking, because it really is a crime to harm yourself consensually)
If we don’t warn them, eventually we won’t need to warn them anymore.
Is this real or a joke? I can’t tell.
Choose your path.
The fact that you have to ask says a lot about society /s
I love how tiktuk is so stupid, people actually believe that this is a TREND, when in reality nobody even knows anyone did this (if its even real, which its probably not) this just reminded me of the “set yourself on fire challenge” which supposedly was VERY trend on tiktak. I asked my friends that use the dumpster and no one knew what I was saying.
Apparently Tiktok has like 2 BILLION(!!) users. As crazy as that is, if even 0.01% of users is doing some dumb crazy thing, thats pptentially 200 000 kids injuring themselves or whatever when they wouldn’t otherwise. Its not a trend among the majority of users, but it is a trend that was spread by tiktok.
Isn’t it a Chinese company? They probably make up the majority of the demographic.
Well yeah but thats a lot of people globally. My point is just that something doesnt have to be widespread on tiktok for it to stull reach a significant amount of people.
There’s many different sides of tiktok, and there’s a chance that your friends just haven’t seen it (not saying it’s real).
For example, I’m sure they haven’t seen fur suit construction videos.
True, tiktok is amazingly good at creating bubbles. Once you’re classified you’ll never know there are other bubbles out there, there’s very little overlap.
Unless you click on one single video outside of your bubble, then that’s all you see
im sure thatd EXACTLXy what they habe Seen :) im saying, the circle im in, these people, they would be the First to See the “fuckrd up” stuff
I love how tiktuk is so stupid, you didn’t realize this was obvious satire
ehm, somewhere in my comment, that was exactly my point. Upon re-reading it however, I realize, I haven’t articulated myself very well.
In that case, I’m sorry for the snark!
Personally I don’t think it gets dumber than the “Crashing Out” challenge (Film yourself as doing as many crimes as possible in the dumbest ways as possible, and try to get as much cash as possible from the views before you’re banned from the platform and arrested)
Seriously, one guy’s basically in the South Korean version of Area 51 after trying to see how many countries he could do this in…
If he was American, he could have just stayed home and done a lot of things that are federal crimes, like accidentally blocking a toilet in a national park or threatening a circus.
This book is so good.
And my therapist wonders why I’m so god damn paranoid, and yes, he was… He called himself Johnny Somali.
I’ve seen some of his stunts, guy was a Grade A prick.
He dry humped “Woman of Comfort” statues in South Korea (Statues memorializing women forced into prostitution during wartime)
Continuously pretended to need help in order to take advantage of the kindness of strangers so that he could be “funny” by yelling at them for “being useless”
Got fresh cooked ramen at convince stores and proceeded to throw the noodles at passers-by (This was charged basically the same way as if you punched the Mayor of an American town in the god damn face and recorded it)
Signed off his videos by praising the Chinese Communist Party or talking about how “much better North Korea is” (It’s worth noting that China, South Korea, North Korea, and Japan are four places that REALLY don’t get along with each other… and that South Korea has acted as a refuge for citizens of North Korea who manage to escape thanks to a law South Korea has that recognizes citizens of any Korean territory as South Korean citizens, which given the cruelty of North Korea is more than a little based)
Walked around on trains with loud speakers that constantly shouted via Text To Speech “I HAVE A BOMB” and “PRAISE KIM JUNG UN” in Korean repetitiously. All while obnoxiously shouting “SORRY, I DON’T SPEAK KOREAN, DON’T KNOW WHAT IT SAYS, CAN’T GET IT TO STOP!”
Smoked weed, in a country where just having THC in your urine is basically the same level of “Guilty as fuck” as American Cops with body cam on watching you do a line in your meth lab after you just casually waived your 4th Amendment rights and invited them in. (Guess one of the reasons why he’s locked up now)
What’s worse? He CONTINUED to do this shit even after Youtube banned him, and STILL persisted even when he learned he had warrants out for his arrest. He seemed to think that as long as he apologized and claimed cultural misunderstand, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. To be fair, this “I’m not evil, I’m just dumb, please have mercy.” strategy apparently worked in Japan and he was merely “just asked to leave”, so he probably thought all asian countries would be so lentient, but still… I’ve never seen someone with such powerful anti-survival traits.
But that doesn’t explain why the hell he just continued to do this, even after they confiscated his passport and told him he was barred from leaving the country until after criminal investigation. (He was not officially arrested yet for two reasons.
They intentionally held off on arrest so that he would waste the last of his money instead of getting free room and board on the Korean Taxpayer Dime. (Remember South Korea is a much smaller country than America and fleeing for the border just means going to North Korea aka, a giant prison camp pretending to be a country)
His continued misbehavior even when he knew law enforcement was watching his every move made him the best player on the Prosecution’s team)
It makes sense they have that law. Both countries claim sole legitimate governance of the Korean peninsula and its population
I mean, instead of helping Israel kill children, I’d be down for our tax dollars going to give NK to SK.
Course I’d MUCH, MUCH rather we stop funding Israel’s Single Payer so we can have one of our own. (That’s not a joke)
This looks hilarious and will have to read. Thanks for sharing! Although, it did sort of ruin my plans for importing a pregnant polar bear.
I’m about 3/4 of the way through it and I have to keep putting it down because I often read in the evening after my wife has gone to bed and I’ll be laughing too hard.
Kids, don’t play with too many knives.
Give it time and they’ll have the “shoot yourself in the face with a 9mm because we believe 9mm are pussy guns” challenge.
And they’ll do it.
Well, obviously you don’t start with 9mm. You start with .17 and work your way up to 22 short then 22lr and so on. If you jump straight to shooting yourself in the face with a 9mm of course you’re gonna get hurt.
Yeah, you gotta build up your immunities.
yeah if you haven’t worked your way up, there’s no way you’re going to have the callouses for a 9mm
I have unironucally heard a person state that a can plinking .22 round would not penetrate his skull at 100m.
I’m not even sure a .22 would go that far
It definitely will. I used to shoot all sorts of random shit out past 200m as a kid when we went to visit my grandparents who had a giant plot of land in the middle of nowhere. I have a very traumatic memory of my brother shooting a turtle he put up on a rock across the pond and watching it bleed out, so I am 100% sure it will both go that far and punch through bone.
It says on the box that a bullet can travel for up to 2 1/2 miles
Folks, they’re joking. I appreciate your commitment to the bit.
I certainly hope this isn’t real. If it is, though, we’ve clearly held Darwinism at bay for far too long and maybe we should just start letting these things play out.
It always makes that NOFX song The Idiots Are Talking Over pop into my head
🎶The industrial revolution, Has flipped the bitch on evolution🎶
Reminds me of this guy who called a store and convinced the owner to call the police on a random customer girl and give her a strip search
I’m sorry?
It was a McDonald’s, the caller hacked into the security camera feed and called one of the managers (male) pretending to be law enforcement.
There was a movie about it called compliance.
True story. The video was making the rounds on the internet for a while.
What do people expect from an account named “nutty putty cave updates”?
Poe’s Law is in full effect.
Reminds me of the guy that promised people money for a study over Skype and them people zapped themselves by putting fingers into outlets. But they were adults not kids.