Red boxing gloves
All things considered, using synthetic orphan paste has a bigger carbon footprint, due to all the CO2 those orphans will create in the future
I imagine you licking things like batteries that are coated with that super bitter compound, that is supposed to prevent kids sticking it in their mouth
Didn’t worry, they brought their own roaches as well
That’s why birthday parties are traditionally held at home
Source: I made it up
Have they tried applying a bit of protective oil coating?
I like to do a quick bouba/kiki experiment with people when they ask me what having synesthesia is like
Demonstrates nicely the “I didn’t know why, I just know that it is” feeling
and never mentioning or acknowledging the time off anywhere
Stupid horned horses
He probably also had some copies of The Sims on him
When Worf and Hitler kiss, their beards fit perfectly into each other
A brain the size of a planet, and what do you want me to do? Tell you how to make your cheese stick to your pizza. Is that what you call job satisfaction? Because I don’t
photoelectric detectors use infrared LEDs. and they are inside the detector, shielded so stray light will not cause any problems.
Any red LED you see on a smoke detector is for statuses, not detecting
I had one in the city that going by reviews was quite good
Now it’s a very nice Chinese restaurant.
The whole production was a giant trainwreck. The asbestos is only a small part of it
I’m not even sure a .22 would go that far