It never happened where? Because it did happen in the UK - which is clearly where we’re talking about
It never happened where? Because it did happen in the UK - which is clearly where we’re talking about
I would imagine that somebody who is complaining about seeing a lot of right-wing propaganda is not somebody who would follow right-wing personalities. So if they are seen right-wing propaganda, that’s a problem.
Perhaps it kind of just glitches out if you don’t follow anyone and just gives you anything.
It honestly probably isn’t worth it for them. They don’t want the hassle of having to deal with two different tiers of image hosting, especially when they’re not primarily trying to be an image host
I’m amazed how much stuff is apparently made by Panasonic. I’m fairly sure I had to install some Panasonic automatic door sensors at one point.
Japan and South Korea could probably take over the entire global manufacturing industry and no one would notice since they basically make everything already anyway.
What the hell are you talking about?
Ironic image of course because in the world of Starship Troopers only educated people are allowed to vote.
Make sure to buy loads of guns as well, make sure they pay attention to you. If you buy enough stuff they’ll come around and investigate you and then you’ve made a new friend. Pro-Life tip.
Well my experience right otherwise I wouldn’t have had such a long career in the industry if I didn’t know what I was doing.
The problem is that the job of hiring has been turned over to people that don’t understand the job, so me an industry veteran and somebody first out of high school are treated exactly the same because we both have the same qualification.
That’s what he picks if you tell him you’re Irish.
Gateshead is just getting caught in the crossfire
But you can see the radiation beam perfectly easily without illumination so what’s the actual problem
In the UK everyone would say that healthcare is free. Obviously it isn’t but it’s not like you get a breakdown on your taxes so you don’t really notice the fact that you’re paying for it.
Even the belligerent idiots that try and move us over to a US style insurance system don’t really articulate that healthcare costs money. It’s such an abstract concert here.
Oh I wouldn’t worry about it I grew up extremely privileged and when my parents insisted I actually got a job I really didn’t understand the concept of being paid. I didn’t quite understand why anybody cared about that because the money was so insignificant, why would anybody care about it?
I was a really stupid kid. At one point I worked at a petrol station (gas station) for free because I didn’t really understand what jobs were for.
I was a really really stupid kid.
I’m not sure where you’re looking for jobs but all of them require the certification even if you have experience. If you don’t have the certification they’re not even going to look at your resume to find out that you have experience, that’s the problem with AI screening, logical thought doesn’t get a look in.
You have to go out and get a bullshit CompTIA certificate, otherwise no one will talk to you anymore.
Exactly if it comes out of tax technically it isn’t free but at the same time you also don’t really notice it.
Saying that you pay for health care through taxes it’s a bit like saying that you pay to walk down the street through taxes, technically of course you do pay to walk down the street through taxes, but it is such a bizarre thing to say.
Protein bars need to go through the allocated scanner.
The other problem is TSA agents seem to massively overestimate how often people use air travel and how uncommon it is for like 95% if the population.
I’ve always thought this was a fundamental floor in their logic. Since they don’t have bomb detectors at the entrances to the building, it’s all a bit irrelevant anyway since if I’m trying to take down a plane full of people I can blow them up just as easily in the airport as I can in the air.
They all collect together at the TSA line anyway.
It’s political correctness gone mad.
You can’t do anything now. The liberals won’t even let you slit your own throat. It’s madness.