I’m not explaining this one to the kids. Someone else can.
Get a rope…
Am I crazy, or was that the commercial where they made and released an “extended cut” to show that they had tied the guy up with the rope just to stop people complaining about the implied lynching? Or did my adolescent brain invent that story?
No I remember that too. A guy posted the one without the guy being tied up and I swore it was cut short.
And the middle part seemed longer, where they are passing around the shitty salsa.
I remember there being a bunch of rhe commercials that had different cuts and settings
I think you’re right. My mind’s eye is recalling him sitting there on a log all tied up while the rest of them eat Pace. I could absolutely be making that up though.
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That really chaps my hide.
We make pretty good food. Lots of people from all over the world living it up in the city.
I’d bet you can get damn good salsa, but perhaps not as easily as just talking to some gente right there in Texas.
Never been to tx, no plans to, just saying the real mexicanos will know what’s up, whether in NYC or Texas.
Never seen the commercial there referencing, I take it?
😬 no, guess I wooshed myself haha
There were a series of commercials for Pace “Picante Sauce” in the 90’s of the formula:
- Some cowboys
- campfire time
- They start eating salsa. Not like, with anything, just eating salsa.
- New guy says “Try some of my salsa.”
- one of the other guys reads the label and says “This stuff is made in New York City.”
- Everyone else yells “NEW YORK CITY?!?!”
- cut to announcer proclaiming Pace is made of pure roots and toots for the ultimate shit kicker rodeo experience
- cut back to new guy being hilariously tied up or otherwise cowboy punished.
It’s funny because it insinuates that Texans can and will read.
Some Texas food is fucking good, but lots of it is shitty chain food, and garbage salsa has been had there as well.
There’s also really good (California level) burritos available in Boston if you know where to look. Anna’s Taqueria specifically.
Better be top
Home of the brave (eaters of salsa)
For the kids:
Thank you. You’re doing the work of some lord or other.
“Lord” came from a phrase like “loaf warden” or “loaf guardian.” Because bread was the very important staple food, and someone had to be responsible for its safekeeping. Likewise, “Lady” comes from “loaf maiden,” presumably having something to do with the creation of bread from raw materials.
I prefer to be called “loaf daddy”
As long as Mama Loaf is happy, I’m happy.
Honeys play me close like butter play toast
Hoes open like hallways
Wouldn’t that make you a… uh… Load?
We have been loads at one point or another
Changes his name to L-Diddy later on
Absolutely correct. Lady stems from bread-kneader, in fact: https://www.etymonline.com/word/lord
I’m going to go with Kevin Stroud of The History of the English Language Podcast on that one.
I can’t tell if you are implying any disagreement, so I’ll just add that the Proto-Germanic origin for the second half of lady (hlǽfdige) definitely stems from kneading: https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/daigijǭ
Other than that, sounds like an interesting podcast!
It’s fantastic, I just re-listened to the whole thing.
Haha, oh my gosh… Pace tastes like the most disguising, sugary, boring ass salsa ever. It’s wild to see they ever tried to market themselves as authentic.
When it came to the pronunciation in that commercial, the very last thing they tried to market themselves as was authentic. Kinda hurt to hear.
Pace Paconny Sauce
My parents love that sauce. I like the spicy one the others are boring American flavored salsa
Are they made with real Americans?
It’s always funny to me that these billionaires have to cosplay as a badass. Can’t be your actual self, gotta always pretend to be a strong man.
And to make it worse, I’m like 85% sure that this is an AI generated image, so it’s him asking AI to show him what he looks like in cosplay.
It is AI. This is actually Elon musk in a cowboy hat:
Can I just say that as someone who enjoys dressing in the fancier western getups (think Tombstone) this more cosplay-rugged look screams insecurity when worn by people trying to look… Like they do manual labor?
Like he’s a billionaire. Where’s the tailored frock jacket, vest, and bolo tie, with a $3k hat. At least that way he wouldn’t be a poser
Or the regular, modern version: boots, jeans, belt, flannel, aaaaand $3k hat. In the summer, you swap your wool hat for straw, but don’t you DARE wear short pants or a t-shirt.
Right? You can make that look cool, especially with his level of money
Personally I think we just need to collectively wear suit coats more often. It looks… Idk. Better than a lot of stuff. Maybe I’m just saying that because I’m fat.
Look I’m not saying Raylan is the best looking cowboy, but Raylan is the best looking cowboy!
You can’t stop me, grandpa.
I’m 27 );
The belt buckle needs to be the size of a dinner plate and be made from pure silver and gold.
Nah, dog; it’s a gold-plated ellipse with a bull head and 3D horns.
Preferably purchased from a general store in the middle of Arizona, run by Native Americans.
Bezos did it first:
The delusions of the rich lmao.
Imagine being one of the literal wealthiest people on the planet and still having to play dress up so you can feel like a bad ass lmao. Hope he gets the help he needs, and I mean that sincerely.
Not just dress up, that’s heavily edited, too.
If he goes to such lengths to make an image of what he wants to be, he must really hate what he is as much as we do.
I would pity him if he wasn’t so dangerous.
Don’t most of us hate him for what he is?
Big hat, no cattle
There was, however, a horse mentioned that one time…
I don’t think the flight attendant accepted his offer.
She didn’t, but it was mentioned.
What was its name? 🤔
I’m totally heterosexual by the way. In case anybody would question my sexuality. But nobody would because I’m so obviously heterosexual. I mean, I drive a humongous truck, and I wear cowboy attire and I absolutely love Brokeback Mountain, the cowboy documentary, and I eat meat, and I am heterosexual, so yeah.
Also, one of my favourite hobbies is making my own fudge which I then pack and send to all my friends.
Is this an AI photo?
Let’s say it wouldn’t exactly shock me if Elon posted AI photos of himself looking tough.
It ‘worked’ for Mr Putin.
I came to say: Putin’s been doing it for decades
i am positive that it is, and if not it is super airbrushed. it has that uncanny valley look. it looks about 98% human. Elon at his best looks no more than 70% human.
Bases on the comments the last time I saw this posted: probably.
No. Get a rope.
Oh yeah, his truck will fit right in at the road house
It’ll keep the raccoons out of the actual trash.
I’m getting a lot of Westworld players vibes from the photos in this thread.
Not the “good” players vibes, more the “I’m here to pose a badass, get drunk at the saloon, fuck a prostitute and then shoot her” vibes…
He would definitely be eating an apple
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It’s hot AF is Texas. What’s with all the layers he’s wearing.