They might want to see a doctor about those red markings.
Just a guy wandering aimlessly through this world.
Pronouns: he/him/his
They might want to see a doctor about those red markings.
I dunno, I can think of an entire genre where I wouldn’t want to see muppets. But then again, I’m sure there are “people” out there who would.
No, they technically did not. They are considering the possibility of compensating him. They cited a woman whose gold chain accidentally slipped into the box, and how one guy personally bought her an equivalent replacement.
After reading the article, this is little more than an equivalent to the US’s civil forfeiture law. It’s cheap and unscrupulous, and there is no excusing the practice. Period.
Damn. That’s some next level assholery on the temple administration. Sure fire way to lose a devotee too. Fuck religion.
Yes. Thankfully in my experience I’ve only dealt with this once or twice. But it’s a pita every time.
I’ve tried switching macOS to a case sensitive file system, but not all programs can handle it (at the time it was Photoshop).
That’s called a workaround. No end user should have to rely on a workaround as a solution to a bug; and make no mistake, it’s a bug.
I’m probably going to get downvoted to Hell and back, but someone’s gotta say it: that’s a git problem, not Windows.
First of all, I agree that case-insensitive file systems suck. It makes things inconsistent, especially from a development standpoint.
But, everyone has known that Windows (and macOS) use case insensitive file systems. At least for Windows, it always has been that way.
Git was written in Linux, which uses a case sensitive file system. So it’s no surprise that its internals use case insensitive storage. Someone ported it over to Windows, and I’m sure they knew about the file system differences. They could’ve taken that into account for file systems that are case insensitive, but chose not to do anything to safe guard Windows users.
But until the day that somebody fixes Git, everybody who is not using case sensitive file systems needs to care more about how they name things (and make sure their team does too). Because fuck everyone else, right?
Wait. Are oranges as stocking stuffers based on something? I always thought my folks did it because oranges are healthy.
$goddamnitJeffStopChangingMyFuckingVariableNames = 1;
LPT: Just because you think it, does not mean you have to vocalize it. In other words, it costs you nothing to downvote and move on.
Instead, you made a conscious effort to compose that comment you call criticism solely so you can shit on somebody for trying to share something that they spent their time and effort on making and sharing with us. Why? Because they had the audacity to eke out a living by asking for voluntary donations to show appreciation?
Bruh. Not cool.
They are making medical decisions.
It’s my understanding that health insurance companies hire doctors, who have taken the hypocritical oath, to review claims and deny them.
I don’t think it’s as much empathy for being disabled, as much as it’s hero worship for doing a thing a lot of people wish they could’ve done themselves. The spinal condition gives the motive, and the memorable name is… well, memorable.
Now, if more disabled folks were to don a green shirt and blue overalls, and perform more courageous acts that benefit society as a whole, then I’d bet more people would hero worship them too.
I believe the school system provides those for free.
Tell that to Scott Turner (Housing and Urban Development Secretary).
To a small degree they exist. At least for the parents of said children. My kids’ school frequently asks for parent volunteers to go on field trip to help watch the kids.
You’ve got a strange definition of love. That sounds like manipulation to me.
Worse: the company decides to cancel the service and no longer support these toilets. You have to purchase a new toilet to continue service.
I was counting g Ralph Ray was here as a separate thing. But I like your logic.
So you’re saying autism caused Pluto? 😳