she tried to get wrapping paper made, presumably to sell to raise campaign funds.
the wrapping paper and it had a pattern that alternated between a graphic that reads,
“No [picture of balls] in our stalls,” and her campaign logo.
“My team just informed me that no company would make this wrapping paper for us because it’s too ‘offensive,'” she wrote.
“What I find offensive is men in women’s bathrooms.”
“A sitting Congresswomen using a disgusting and bigoted slur about Americans who staged a nonviolent protest,” responded Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL). “People who use this type of despicable language should not be leading anyone.”
No one is more obsessed with cocks and balls than a repulican legislator apparently
Genital Obsessed Party
Religious people but it’s more of a 1 circle Venn diagram
Why would anyone think this was a good idea?
Even hateful people aren’t looking to adorn gifts with messages of hate unrelated to the actual gift giving. So bizarre
deleted by creator
I just read the article and you’re so right.
Mace has been using transphobia to build her political career since before she was elected to Congress. In her first campaign for Congress, she made up a law that she claimed required “transgender equality in the military,” said that her Democratic opponent was responsible for it, and said that it would result in a Marine Corps base in her district getting shut down. It was all a lie – there was no such law and the Marine base is still in operation today – but it helped her secure her seat in Congress.
In her second run for Congress, she accused her opponent of providing “SEX CHANGE SURGERY. PUBERTY BLOCKERS. GENDER CHANGING HORMONES. FOR CHILDREN?” in an ad, even though her opponent was a doctor who worked at a hospital that didn’t provide gender-affirming care for trans people at all. Her opponent was forced to resign from her job.
The word rotted comes to mind.
I’m an atheist but rotted soul seems to fit here.
I wouldn’t be shocked to find out age made the design purposely against the printers terms so she could claim this was “wokeness” discriminating against her for her beliefs
You think? This is a blatant attempt at generating free publicity.
She should reach to the bottom of a full sharps container to get the prize.
ETA: the
Why would anyone want to wrap their gifts with campaign logos?
“My hate is a
griftgift!”Even apart from the whole “descent into a Christo-fascist nightmare” thing, which some might argue is the real issue, I suppose, the post-Trump GOP is also going to be so incredibly cringe as a bunch of angry Poli-Sci nerds of varying personal commitment to their awful positions clumsily try to replicate Trump’s brand, which for all of its literal lying and ignorance, rings true to who he is as a person and genuinely taps into the ugly id of many people.
Also, unless I’m seriously overestimating the novelty wrapping paper industry’s commitment to inclusivity, I’m not buying that they couldn’t find anybody willing to make the wrapping paper. Almost guarantee the staffers reached out to a few campaign-merch middlemen who work with Republicans, got told no, and then gave up and told their asshole boss it couldn’t be done.
I am also confident that the underlings are giving this sort of thing the minimum effort. What’re the politicians gonna do, do it themselves? No way.
Gift wrapping paper with hate imprinted on it didn’t sell well. Figures.
I find transphobic representatives disturbing and vote we remove them from congress
I mean, if you have fully transitioned MtF, there wouldn’t be any balls in the stalls, so…
Right? This is what is also complete hypocrisy on Republicans part. On one hand, they (erroneously) equate trans with surgeries when they want to condemn youth healthcare. But somehow all adult trans people are no-surgery self-identifying “men in dresses”.
Transfemme enby here. I hear what you two mean, but I wanna make sure we also resist medicalizing gender nonconformity. While many trans folks undergo bottom surgery to alleviate dysphoria or to simply be “safe” from the scrutiny of the cis gaze, surgery is not what qualifies a trans woman as a woman. The issue isn’t about genitalia, it’s about transmisogyny.
TERFs have so deeply internalized the misogyny that it’s all they know, woman TERFs and man TERFs alike, cis or not ('cause Caitlyn Jenner is still a TERF).
What I said was not to mean that “not having a penis” is a prerequisite to enter a toilet. This is so complex to put in simple terms, because what TERFs say is an inconsistent cocktail of hateful ideas, that contradict themselves. But no one is examining genitals to enter any toilet. They just appeal to plain old cisgenderism, “people who look like men must have dicks and people who look like women mustn’t, because these are the two natural categories and I want to be able to put anyone neatly into them, except some freaky accidents of birth”. Their actual problem is that legitimization of transgender individuals threatens the very core of this cisgenderist ideal, which only lead to the corollary that trans people are not natural and should not exist. I intended to write sth else entirely but this is the cornerstone of the whole discussion, that cisgenderism is the substrate and breeding ground of transphobia and perhaps we should start discussing in these terms instead.
I think your analysis in pretty on point. In my circles, we call this problem “gender essentialism.” I see that it stems from neoplatonic thought as derived from Christian puritanism, and it desperately attempts to reconcile a kind of cherry-picked modernism with traditionalism. And it fuckin’ sucks.
Restrooms should be tied to sex not gender
She wanted kids to see gifts with erotic printings on it??
Nance Mace literally worships Satan. She is a very literal sense, a Devil Worshiper. If your religion leads you to hate, you are not worshiping, you are praying to the Devil. And after her time in this realm, she will fall, and spend all eternity with her master.
only Christians believe in Satan
A SEX JOKE isn’t Inappropriate for Kids! What IS inappropriate for Kids though is forcing Penises INTO the Women’s Bathroom! I mean Not Forcing Penises into the Women’s Bathroom! I mean I want THIS PERSON in my Daughter’s Bathroom whatever that means!