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Waking up at 9AM after going to sleep at 4:30AM
it was super fun to wake up at 6:00 today for no reason after going to bed at 1:00.
Even with cheat codes this is next to impossible to beat
Sudying for an exam
Game difficulty: hard
3am… Need to be up in 4hrs…
Imma need me some 4 fairy soup.
Goh Tu Bedd
It’s not about when you go to bed, it’s about when you get to sleep, and going to bed before you’re tired is a surefire way to lay awake all night.
And Tears of the Kingdom has so much to do in it. Like do I get another 99 poe and find the next statue, or go to bed at a reasonable hour. What do you mean it’s already 2am?
Please send sleep
It’s a myth, I can’t be real
A test I constantly fail, thanks, noisy roommates.
Not doing well so far tonight
Having ADHD puts it on Nightmare mode
RLS woke me up at 6am… I feel oddly well rested. Does that count?