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Twitch.TV will tell you that you need to use a supported browser if you connect with Linux in your user agent no matter what browser you use. Changing Linux to Windows in your agent with no other changes resolves this issue.
Depends how much money you got. Once they are out of the “hold then in your lap” stage and you have to start paying for their airline seats it gets really expensive.
it’s guaranteed to work
You’ve never read any of the licenses for your software, then?
Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring.
The visitor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself, “it is overfull, no more will go in!”.
“Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “your desktop is full of documents and shortcuts. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”
You monster! They belong in ~/.config
Wierd Al “It’s all about the Pentiums”
Malt-o-meal is also a name brand rather than a store brand. Just less well known than Kellogg or General Mills.
Malt o meal is just better in general. The Colossal Berry Crunch is better than Cap’n Crunch too. And you can buy the giant bag that lasts forever.
I had grandparents who lived in Philadelphia and every summer we would go down the shore to Wildwood when we were kids. Just spending days laying on the beach making sand castles, digging up clams and harassing the horseshoe crabs. Then going to the boardwalk and getting salt water taffy and playing games. Good times.
I like to call it the Sweet Brown distro cause “Ain’t nobody got time for that”
If it purged the entire ecosystem what are the trout going to eat? Seems like they won’t stay unaffected for longer than it takes to starve.
This comic made me go back to a post I made and put in the solution I found to a really strange problem. 2 years later someone responded saying they had the same problem and my solution fixed it for them.
Then you carry them to the hospital and they don’t want to get treatment but they sure as hell want you to keep carrying them around. Been in that situation and it really sucks.
That’s why you should ask nicely first with kill -SIGHUP
Then if that doesn’t work you can clean up the murder scene later.
I was going to say these people aren’t old enough to remember the time before fuel injection. When you could coax a car to start after multiple failed attempts but don’t flood it or you’re going to be sitting there a while.
If I recall, their fight was largely off-screen just at the end Logan was smoking a cigar in a demolished bar.
Goth gf is best gf
Who won each battle was determined by fan voting prior to the publish date. This was also back in 1996 before Diana got written to be basically immune to the elements and Storm knocked her out with lightning.
The first time it happened, there was a thing about Odin making an exception for Kal-El, but that has since been retconned. I don’t recall Wonder Woman needing any exceptions, but she also didn’t use it in her flight with Storm, as it wouldn’t have been fair.
In keeping with the missing legs analogy, what is the ADHD prosthetics? To me this just looks like someone who’s missing a limb turning down prosthetics, and saying “don’t you see this won’t work because I don’t have legs?”