Ask if a mother is unable to feed her children if she should be provided with food assistance. It’s kind of surprising how popular leftist policies are. Also if you are strong enough to do real time fact checking then good luck.
Ask if a mother is unable to feed her children if she should be provided with food assistance. It’s kind of surprising how popular leftist policies are. Also if you are strong enough to do real time fact checking then good luck.
What a psycho bitch
But what if you’re gaming downstairs and the router is upstairs and then you have to go upstairs for pizza rolls so you take your gaming laptop upstairs and you’re eating right next to the router and so you’re just plugged in and then what if you forgot to turn off the oven and your girlfriend is yelling at you “You’re going to start a fire! Why can’t you remember to turn off the oven? What’s wrong with you?” and then you go back downstairs to finish gaming?
Google search shows you need to show ID to buy a gun in Utah
Shouldn’t laugh at a small pp
I looked up cricket flour and it’s not cheap, also some complaints that it’s not real flour like for baking
So the hamster was dying and decided to attack him and then died right after the attack? Or maybe when the hamster wouldn’t let go they beat it to death and then told everyone the story about a sick hamster
I have chocolate oat milk and it’s really good
I would tie a really really long string to the lever and attach the string to a large bird and then scare it into flying away. Then I would eat some delicious Heinz Baked Beans
Tobacco is a vegetable
It certainly was moist
Lack of sunshine, rainy cold weather
I don’t think that peasant economy was exploitative in the same way capitalism is. Peasants were largely farmers who grew food and provided the landowner with a percentage of their crop. They were integral to human survival and as far as I know the percentage taken by landowners was not comparable to the wealth extracted from workers today.
Now that’s what I call shitposting!
Mayweather knocked him out on his feet and held him up until he could stand again
I love cumin. But really, it has a nutty earthy flavor… One of my favorites along with onion powder.
I think someone pranked them by changing the image that looks to be from a protector edit: projector
It’s nice that they are cleaning together