Direct Link: https://www.geekxgirls.com/article.php?ID=12040
Original Artist: https://humoncomics.com/
“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”
George Carlin
Climate protection was never about saving species or eco systems.
It is about not fucking the whole planet wide eco system so that we can’t live anymore on this planet.
However even that we dropped for profits.
I mean basically anything relating to energy would have costed the double amount (at least).
Now we have also to reduce the co2 that was produced 200 years and the one that is triple the amount of the next 10 years.
Aside from the thousands of species we killed in the process
It’s a recurrent theme in the history of the world you know, thousands, hundreds of thousands, tens of millions of species killed, never to be seen again.
No species ever lasts that long.
There have been many extinction events, and we won’t be the first “nature based extinction event” the planet has seen either.
Just one of the dumber ones.
Others have been fairly random. GRBs sterilizing half the planet, asteroid impacts, simple microbiological species fighting for resources whilst unknowingly making their environments unlivable, etc., etc.
In this case, the writing has been on the wall for decades, completely preventable, but here we are barrelling into it head first none-the-less. Dumber indeed.
No species ever lasts that long.
Sharks enter the thread.
Awkward silence ensues
Shark species go extinct all the time. New shark species arise.
Except for these species, classified as living fossils:
- Blind shark (Brachaelurus waddi)
- Bullhead shark (Heterodontus sp.)
- Cow shark (sixgill sharks and relatives) (Hexanchidae)
- Elephant shark (Callorhinchus milii)
- Frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus sp.)
- Goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni)
- Gulper shark (Centrophorus sp.)
Why does the cow shark description say it’s unique in having six and sometimes seven gill slits compared to all other sharks having five. Then the frilled shark says it has six gill slits.
They’re both part of the Hexanchiformes order, which are seven gill sharks. So the cow shark article is wrong, there are two surviving families with more than five gills.
Thank you, I typically default to assuming I don’t understand or I’m confused when reading up things outside of my wheelhouse. I enjoyed reading up on the sharks you shared! I was trying to decide which one I would want to be if I could decide while laying in bed this morning. Felt silly but fuck it, I’m old, it’s nice to dream.
250 millions years ago, there was a mass extinction that killed 95% of life on earth.
regulate billion dollar corporations and then over 99% of all pollution will stop.
I’m not getting rid of my car, make billionaires and millionaires get rid of their private jets and make them stop dumping garbage into waterways
Sure, but those regulations have to be stuff like “no selling petroleum to people for their cars”. Are you ready for a carless world? I am. If you’re not ready, you might find yourself opposing the necessary regulation when the time does come to regulate.
I don’t know why these discussion are often met with “if you’re not ready to lose your car you’re the problem” narrative.
I might not be ready to lose my car but I sure as hell am ready to lose coal based electricity, the military complex, single use plastic, billionaire who prefer to let a train derail than spend money on regulations, and a shit ton other things that wouldn’t even affect my day to day life other than make it safer.
I might not be ready to lose my car but I sure as hell am ready to lose
Whatever it is you’re ready to lose, there are people out there who aren’t ready to lose it.
coal based electricity
Fuck right off, there are entire countries who would be completely at a loss without coal-based electricity. Countries which would rather you lose your car.
the military complex
Everyone working in the military complex would rather you lose your car than they lose their jobs. It’s you and your car vs millions of people all over the world specifically trained to identify threats to their security, find them and shoot/cut/drone/nuke them. Good luck.
single use plastic
I mean you wanna fight all the corpos involved with single used plastics, I’m sure having your car will keep you from being suffocated with a plastic bag for like 2 hours.
You’re unwilling to allow for changes in your personal lifestyle to globally change things for the better, so why the fuck would anyone else? Just nuke the planet from orbit at this point, we’re all egotistical shitheads and there’s no way to convince Jimmy McFuckface to give up his 1994 truck, we’re done here.
That’s great, but EmperorHenry said regulation would stop 99% of emissions. I can assure you that personal vehicles and animal agriculture represent more than 1% of emissions. If we’re talking about a 20%, 50%, maybe even 70% reduction, then your argument is fine. But we need a 100% reduction in order to save the species. I’m ready for 100%, are you?
Can we hit 100% if we sacrifice annoying pedants like you?
Nature just wanted plastic.
We’re actually going through the 6th mass extinction right now, so actually we are kinda killing most everything on the planet, not just us.
We should want to preserve that. Unfortunately a handful of old rich dudes don’t care.
Nature will survive, this specific bird species perhaps not.
you missed the point completely. life has always survived mass extinction events and will survive this one too. life will eventually flourish once again and humanity will have been a blip in earths history
This is so fucking stupid.
No seriously. Stop. Think. This is SO FUCKING STUPID.
Humans can live IN SPACE. We are NOT destroying ourselves. We are HYPER ADVANCED COCKROACHES. We will easily survive whatever damage we cause to the planet.
The problem with destroying the planet is not that we’re destroying humanity. What a stupid, egocentric take. The problem with destroying the planet IS THAT WE’RE DESTROYING THE PLANET.
“Mass extinction? Eh who cares” is a FUCKING STUPID TAKE and I have no clue why so many people here are okay with it. What the fuck is wrong with all of you? This is NOT OKAY. MASS EXTINCTIONS ARE NOT OKAY.
Is this a fucking psyop? What the fuck?
Just to touch on a problem but there.
Humans can live IN SPACE.
Ahhh no… We can habitat space. We really really can’t live there.
We can’t really give birth or develop in space, gravity unlike ours will eventually deteriorate our bodies, even on Mars you will go blind and start developing clots before too long just from the slightly lower gravity. And that’s nothing of the radiation we are blocked from here on Earth.
The list is long and bad. We are adaptable but mostly on Earth adaptable. Able to survive climates and regions not everything ever. We can probably eventually figure out space but we can never just live there.
So when we destroy the planet we might really just take ourselves out too.