I mean there’s a whole Korean diaspora in Russia where they’re neighboring countries. So stealthy they shared a border without anyone noticing!
I mean there’s a whole Korean diaspora in Russia where they’re neighboring countries. So stealthy they shared a border without anyone noticing!
Thankfully as we’re all breaking into our 40s, we have finally reached a point our society expected of us by 25. All it took was the slow deaths of our families.
But our kids are gonna be fucked! Thanks boomer for telling us that should make us feel better like it apparently did your generation.
The bread, ham, and cheese are all separately regulated.
The nuance between open faced sandwich vs closed sandwich comes down to a final product, So think producing prepackaged food for sale as a federally regulated facility, more than making a sandwich in your kitchen.
And at any rate on any functional level it will be your local health jurisdiction that’s really going to get involved if a regulator ever had to.
That is the end result, yes. It will likely be anything but for reasoning or rationalizing the program into existence.
The Devils Panties tends to use that character to depict an amalgamation of Gamergate, Rapist Brock Allen Turner, Kyle Rittenhouse, and every online debatebro combined, and so the other characters are written to react to him in such a way.
How is this porn? Planes dont wear clothes.
Then… what is the lingerie stuff it is removing?
Non-violence is often and most effectively a direct threat of imminent violence.
Or as a promise for the cessation of ongoing violence.
There is rarely, if ever, support for Putin. What is more typical is a recognition the USSR was a better entity than both what it replaced and what replaced it. So there is usually the connection that the US is the reason Russia is the way it is, which is usually lauded as ‘USA bad’.
So even though America was the global superpower after the fall of the USSR: Putin, (or at least someone like him), was wanted in power. ‘Keep rootin for Putin’ wasn’t just a pundit book 20 years ago.
All in all when the goal is eradicating communism at all costs, you wind up with war mongering right wingers in their stead: and that’s the perspective every communist I have interacted with has come from.
Those are some load bearing bumpers.
ICBMs missing their targets tends to mean more ICBMs get fired.
And at a certain point the targets really don’t matter.
Advertising is a racket. Always has been.
I had an english professor that actually demanded an intro like this. He said write ANYTHING as long as you can hook the reader and link it to a thesis statement, and there is no bar to that link.
I never really felt Russia had much of a dog in the Syrian Civil War. I always assumed their interest in Assad was purely to grind American efforts in the region.
Willing to bet they’ll just as soon support the new regime or its opposition based on the same calculus.
No Child Were Left Behind.
Dude seems pretty sanguine about being put in this position in panel 1.
The chart always looked wonky to me until I saw a version a former coworker had in his cubicle that put sand at the top instead of clay. For some reason the whole thing makes more sense that way to visualize the relationship clay has with silt and sand.
Just rotate the chart that was posted so sand is at the top and see if you see what I mean.
Part of it has to do with loam being a balance of clay, sand, and silt but not equal parts of each. Another part of it has to do with the outsized weight clay content has on the soil characteristics.
This is also why loamy sand and sand are angled as they are in the chart.
If you’re capable of identifying a bad take on the internet, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Some poor Tuvan conscript catching strays.