I would want to exude this energy:
But I know I would exude this energy:
Perhaps it is this man’s display of the wealth required to buy these dandy clothes which procures said marriage proposals.
Meanwhile I, despite flawless erudition, am judged by my daily wear of “wife beater” apparel. I blame the casual utterance of such profanities.
If my tank top offends any woman for being wife beater toppage, I say to her “Madam, I have no wife. Would you please to hand me another beer from yonder fridge?”
this whole thread hurts me. ugh
guy makes his own clothes, or at least that was the case originally.
i have big respect. let the man slay. you’re welcome to your wife-beaters, and others are welcome to their finery.
Hard to gauge a persons wealth by their clothes in today’s world.
Just reminded me, when I was 21 my credit card had a 500 limit but I was asked to travel. Company cards were NOT a thing here, only the CFO had one so they were forced to put me up places with a corporate account. Because of this was staying in a very ritzy four star hotel near silicon valley for a whole month and I had a Sunday check in to get settled. Being young broke and largely oblivious to social norms in a way only a lower class homeschooled kid with ADHD could be I showed up for check in warring ripped khaki rock climbing pants and a stretched out Ramones tanktop with a flannel tied around my waste. The old folks behind me were talking under their breath about how " you really cant tell" and new internet money is changing all the rules. Lmfao they had no idea that I couldnt afford more than the rental car deposit
It’s ‘waist’ when referring to your belt or belly button line
I’m on a pretty good income, my partner and I can afford a one month overseas holiday every year or so and I dress in a mix of jeans off the internet, chosen for their lifespan, and hawaiian shirts from a mass market fashion store
I dress brightly, not at all expensively. When I dressed a lot like this as a kid in the '80s I had to change before the family went to a club for dinner in order to meet the dress code. The clubs are more relaxed now.
You really can’t judge people’s wealth on their dress standards, though there is class encoded in clothes
Ha looks like you found a missed steak
I had a coworker who used to dress like this, his go-to was a naval peacoat with a top hat.
On Halloween he came to work wearing a hoodie and jeans and it freaked everyone out.
On Halloween he came to work wearing a hoodie and jeans and it freaked everyone out.
That’s one hell of a long game. Respect.
Knew a guy who wore a trenchcoat, black, and a kilt, standard red tartan, even when it was 110 out.
Was chilling with his younger brother one day bitching about how fucking hot it was when this badass walks up in said attire with his guitar slung over his shoulder, goes “shut up you pussies”, pulls out his guitar, and does a bit of improv chords while singing the last couple of things we’d said, something like “it’s hot as balls out here”
I wish I could be even a 10th as cool as that guy was, because goddamn
I wonder where he finds the money to get these clothes that are probably tailored. Must’ve cost a fortune.
Someone shared a link to his socials, he does his own tailoring.
Damn that’s kinda fire
Did you just use “fire” like that unironically…?
I really hope you’re just a dumb 14-year-old, it’s to depressing to imagine an adult doing it. It’s the same kind of soul-crushing cringe as the youtube comments that kids spam on every video, like “wake up babe, blabla dropped a new vid”.
Please, just fucking stop.
I dunno I grew up with the term and I’m 25 maybe get with the times gramps