test test
test test
yeah, that crossed my mind also. i could see it going either way.
i said only what i said, intending to imply only that his outcomes are not likely to be the same as someone poor.
that remains to be seen. he has access to resources poor people don’t.
this is how i justified going to exams stoned back in my undergrad days. i studied high, figured i better test high.
i remember that post, was actually hoping to find it again as there had been some great recommendations! glad you mentioned it here.
i sent it to my teenagers. i see what they’re up to.
hot air balloons isn’t something i had given much thought to before. thank you for your responses here!
what does a crew do exactly? for that matter, what does the work of a pilot look like? i have been reading your comments, and i can see that planning is certainly a part of it.
i have learned something as well. it’s a word that’s familiar to me in clinical context, i had not really thought about it as something linguists and creative language-smiths are thinking about until looking it up just now. 🙂
baby doesn’t have clear words yet, but he has body language and gesture, eye contact, prosody, shared attention, the give and take pacing of interaction. baby has picked up a good deal about how casual, comfortable conversation with the guys or a close family member works!
but why? why paintbrushes?
Congress, of course, is totally concerned about Gazans. that’s why they voted not to release the number of deaths! /s
holy shit, that’s cool! i had not seen this style, thank you!
apparently western-wear is a thing in Japan. and honestly, they rock it better than we do!
disclaimer - i haven’t read the article/opinion. anyway, if someone said this to me, i think i would understand what is really being communicated, which is something like “i don’t trust men i don’t know, men i don’t know feel very unsafe to me.” i don’t think i would get hung up taking the statement literally. my thinking would be something like, “why do men seem so unsafe to you?” (knowing the answer is likely based in experience or observation of some kind), rather than “what kind of bear?”
no fan of chatgpt/llm’s generally.
but i feel comfortable calling this a chatgpt win!