I’m in my thirties, and this is me also
Its not age, its your brain being damaged by what you are watching. Tiktok users cant sit still for 30 seconds.
Not a real fact, just making a point about how its changing our brains.
And if you watch too much TV, you’ll get square eyes!
Studies show if your eyes are locked to a certain focus distance they will deteriorate faster and it’s theorized this has resulted in the increase of myopia in young people.
Can I get a tldr?
Short video format is destroying attention span
Literally 1984
I could see him emailing this
He does always look a bit tired and fed up with the world yeah https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavoj_Žižek
Also that URL goes crazy because of his last name Slavoj_%C5%BDi%C5%BEek
This should really be my email signature.
Is this real? I went to one of Slavoj’s talks in real life a couple years ago, and he said some stuff really similar to this.
He is getting quite old tbh. I fear he will leave us soon
He had lost a lot of weight when I saw him irl.
Hope you’re being literal and not figurative?