The words before those are necessary to know if I know what they mean. Know what I mean?
I don’t know what you mean
in the immortal words of tucker, ‘do you understand the words that are comin out of my mouth’?
It’s a filler phrase that basically means, “You get me? You agree?”
I prefer ‘na sa?’ know what I’m sayin?
Do you need more clarification?
In a legal sense, I have no idea what they mean, officer.
Pinky, are you thinking what I’m thinking?
“I know what you are saying.”
Usually, yes, but sometimes no. If not and it’s important or I’m curious I’ll ask for clarification. But sometimes I have no idea what they mean, and I’ll say yes because I don’t want them to get frustrated explaining it or it really just isn’t important.
(And then there are the rare cases when I didn’t think it was important, but it was, so now I’m panicking trying to text them when I really need that info…)
Rarely, because they tend to say that instead of what they mean.