Wow, are conservatives murdering and assassinating transexuals for being transexuals now? Where are the news about these events?
I do not believe conservatives are mad at or hate transexuals
I do believe, however, Conservatives don’t really care what you do on your own. Most disagree with transexuals in general, but most also aren’t interested in bossing you around.
I believe your post presumes wrongly that conservatives are spending their days obsessively looking for ways to control or cause either direct or indirect harm to you. They’re not.
The only things they are not really okay with and won’t allow you to do is pushing your views on them.
I understand they will be okay if you don’t ask them to change the facts on your birth certificate (yes, conservatives see what is in there as facts, you can disagree, but that’s how they see it)
I believe conservatives will be mostly okay if you don’t try to pass laws that punish them for not getting on board with your chosen views.
Same as well with using the state apparatus, taxpayer money, or use public schools to push your views.
They would probably be okay with consenting adults being free to dress in whatever way they want and do whatever they want to their own bodies.
However they would be also expecting to not be compelled in any way whatsoever to play along.
Again, that would mean no laws would be made to compel people to use pronouns or any other language they believe to be untrue.
Most surely, they would like that, In the same vein as dressing up differently doesn’t give you access to opposite sex bathrooms, getting surgical procedures done on yourself wouldn’t also give you access to the bathrooms of the opposite sex.
Very probably, In an ideal conservative world, transition surgery would be categorized as an elective cosmetic surgery, and advertised as such.
But yeah I’d like to see some sources on the murderstabs
I do believe, however, Conservatives don’t really care what you do on your own.
Then they should quit proposing and passing laws that affect and inhibit individual choice regarding sexuality, gender identity, and reproductive freedoms.
Open up a dictionary, and look up the word metaphor.
Current and new legslation, is resulting and will result in people dying.
And even outside that, yes, there absolutely have been murders where the motive was literally just “they were trans”.
I don’t even need to look it up to be 100% sure that has happened.
Additinally, having the world treat you, as if you are something you are not, is lethal. If you woke up tomorrow, and everyone around you insisted you were something you don’t feel you are, eventually, you’d end yourself.
Maybe it would take years. Maybe you’ll be able to tough it out and not take the easy way out, but even if you manage to outlast the misery and die of old age, you won’t have gotten to really live, to experience the acceptance you and I take for granted on a daily basis.
“Playing along” isn’t optional. It’s to the human mind what water and food is to our bodies.
You are gaslighting yourself into refusing reality.
You’ve received an avalanche of good faith arguments explaining where you’re wrong, it would take a herculean effort of self-delusion to dismiss it all.
Yeah that’s why they’re also going after porn, no fault divorce, abortion, gay marriage, interracial marriage & drag queens. Because they don’t CARE what you do, they just want to criminalize you ever talking about it, advertising it, displaying it, or doing it.
“Conservatives want to murder all trans people” is hyperbole, but you’re living in the “conservatism = freedom of personal choice” fantasy land that used to be called libertarianism. If it ever existed, which is very doubtful, it certainly doesn’t now. You are in bed with the religious right that does actively want to criminalize all these things. Project 2025 puts that in black & white if you were too oblivious or stupid to realize it before.
Also, on a more personal note, fuck you. Trans rights are human rights.
And these are the murders we know. They are difficult to find because a lot of coverage buries the lead on the trans nature of the victims so we only learn about them being trans after the fact. A lot of newspapers use dead names and pre transition photos and don’t mention current names and identities so in some of our communities we only know when someone has died except through word of mouth because when they show up in the paper they aren’t recognizable. This is also why articles tend to use the words “at least” or have inconsistent counts per year. New ones are always coming to light as friends and family struggle to get the word out.
You do not see these news articles because your news silo filters them out. There are vigils every year where the names are read out. The circumstances of those vigils are that the main reason for the violence was because of the victims gender identity. You asked for sources. Have at em.
Honestly a lot of news doesn’t actually cover this stuff as it should. Covering trans topics is usually something that causes backlash or requires a high degree of finesse in reporting and explaining so these modern lynchings go largely uncovered by the big mainstreamers except when they think they have a winner that’s straightforward enough to report in a short quippy segment.
Here is 1. I just searched “trans murder usa” and this story was basically the first 5 stories and reading any of them should have been faster than writing your post.
Hmm, are those conservatives in the US Government? One state just passed a law making exhibitionism a felony if intent is established, but if the exposed genitals differ from the “expected” genitals, intent doesnt matter. Separate but equal i guess.
You can “believe” all you want in your happy little make-believe bubble, but the facts are that conservatives are trying to ban, restrict, redefine, and remove trans people from getting healthcare, from being referenced in media or schools (censored), and removing them from the military.
Here’s the list from the ACLU of all 456 anti-LGBTQ bills in the US.
…oh. And there’s never been a law to force people to use correct pronouns. Ever. There’s never been an effort to “force” anyone or do anything. People were simply asking for you to respect them by using preferred pronouns. Asking for people to respect them as a human being is apparently an affront to US Conservatives.
The language used by the state, that they are less than human, that they are evil, that they are less than human…leads to shit like this. Act dense all you want, but you know you’re wrong.
Sorr-, you are already way too deep in your rabbit hole. Nobidy of us will get you out there. Probably is a better platform for your views (judging from your profile).
I’m actually surprised you were able to read the comment given your lack of arguments, but descending into name calling is par the course when you have nothing else I guess
Descending into name calling is because you are a racist and transphobic asshole my dude, get the fuck over it snowflake. Your feelings got hurt? I dont give af how you feel since you are a racist transphobe.
Trump doesnt give a fuck about you, but keep on sucking his dick like a degen.
I believe your post presumes wrongly that conservatives are spending their days obsessively looking for ways to control or cause either direct or indirect harm to you. They’re not.
Then explain all your subsequent statements where conservatives are doing that very thing.
Same as well with using the state apparatus, taxpayer money, or use public schools to push your views.
The fact that transgender people exist is not a “view”. It’s a scientific fact. Maybe if your school had been funded better you would know this.
However they would be also expecting to not be compelled in any way whatsoever to play along.
It is not a game. They are not playing. They are expressing themselves. Treating them the way they want does no harm to anyone.
Most surely, they would like that, In the same vein as dressing up differently doesn’t give you access to opposite sex bathrooms, getting surgical procedures done on yourself wouldn’t also give you access to the bathrooms of the opposite sex.
So no one is getting targeted by conservatives? Because that’s a very big thing to say. Anyone would expect this to be on news 24/7 if it were like that
You are on the wrong side of history, unfortunately you have plenty of company.
As for pushing views on others, not everybody is Christian, not everybody is straight, and white. But that’s been pushed on Americans for a long time. Those times are over, and MAGA is just an angry mob that can’t handle change and progress.
Same as well with using the state apparatus, taxpayer money, or use public schools to push your views.
Yeah these same conservatives are trying to editorialize what books are available in libraries, I don’t really think they have personal freedoms at heart.
No but it matters. The return to an idealized past is fascist politics because it is not really a “return”, since the “idealized past” is an unreachable fiction. So by necessity, it is a radical departure from the present towards an idealist future.
Conservatism is, well conservative. It thinks that things are the way they are out of a necessity beyond the fickle whims of this or that person. And therefore change enacted by people is always suspect because it doesn’t understand that necessity. Chesterton’s fence is the perfect model.
Now both conservatism and fascism are reactionary in relation to progressivism. But the deep distrust you see among some traditional conservatives towards Trump is no accident and it is not an indication of some “strong moral core”. It is a natural response of true conservatism in the face of the radical reactionary politics of fascism.
It’s not just splitting hairs because this is an important fault line in the enemy camp that can be leveraged to create cracks.
Wow, are conservatives murdering and assassinating transexuals for being transexuals now? Where are the news about these events?
I do not believe conservatives are mad at or hate transexuals
I do believe, however, Conservatives don’t really care what you do on your own. Most disagree with transexuals in general, but most also aren’t interested in bossing you around.
I believe your post presumes wrongly that conservatives are spending their days obsessively looking for ways to control or cause either direct or indirect harm to you. They’re not.
The only things they are not really okay with and won’t allow you to do is pushing your views on them.
I understand they will be okay if you don’t ask them to change the facts on your birth certificate (yes, conservatives see what is in there as facts, you can disagree, but that’s how they see it)
I believe conservatives will be mostly okay if you don’t try to pass laws that punish them for not getting on board with your chosen views.
Same as well with using the state apparatus, taxpayer money, or use public schools to push your views.
They would probably be okay with consenting adults being free to dress in whatever way they want and do whatever they want to their own bodies.
However they would be also expecting to not be compelled in any way whatsoever to play along.
Again, that would mean no laws would be made to compel people to use pronouns or any other language they believe to be untrue.
Most surely, they would like that, In the same vein as dressing up differently doesn’t give you access to opposite sex bathrooms, getting surgical procedures done on yourself wouldn’t also give you access to the bathrooms of the opposite sex.
Very probably, In an ideal conservative world, transition surgery would be categorized as an elective cosmetic surgery, and advertised as such.
But yeah I’d like to see some sources on the murderstabs
Then they should quit proposing and passing laws that affect and inhibit individual choice regarding sexuality, gender identity, and reproductive freedoms.
What?. No one is doing that LMAO
Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislatures in 2025
And only red states restrict reproductive freedoms, whereas blue states have reinforced their protections for women.
Open up a dictionary, and look up the word metaphor.
Current and new legslation, is resulting and will result in people dying.
And even outside that, yes, there absolutely have been murders where the motive was literally just “they were trans”.
I don’t even need to look it up to be 100% sure that has happened.
Additinally, having the world treat you, as if you are something you are not, is lethal. If you woke up tomorrow, and everyone around you insisted you were something you don’t feel you are, eventually, you’d end yourself.
Maybe it would take years. Maybe you’ll be able to tough it out and not take the easy way out, but even if you manage to outlast the misery and die of old age, you won’t have gotten to really live, to experience the acceptance you and I take for granted on a daily basis.
“Playing along” isn’t optional. It’s to the human mind what water and food is to our bodies.
The post is basically implying a concerted effort in wiping out transexuals, but that’s not the case
Also, being “pretty sure” doesn’t fly in a court. You have to prove big accusations like that
You are gaslighting yourself into refusing reality.
You’ve received an avalanche of good faith arguments explaining where you’re wrong, it would take a herculean effort of self-delusion to dismiss it all.
Yeah that’s why they’re also going after porn, no fault divorce, abortion, gay marriage, interracial marriage & drag queens. Because they don’t CARE what you do, they just want to criminalize you ever talking about it, advertising it, displaying it, or doing it.
“Conservatives want to murder all trans people” is hyperbole, but you’re living in the “conservatism = freedom of personal choice” fantasy land that used to be called libertarianism. If it ever existed, which is very doubtful, it certainly doesn’t now. You are in bed with the religious right that does actively want to criminalize all these things. Project 2025 puts that in black & white if you were too oblivious or stupid to realize it before.
Also, on a more personal note, fuck you. Trans rights are human rights.
So if it is hyperbole, why y’all getting mad at an hypothetical?
The post seems to imply that there is a concrete effort in wiping out transexuals all over the place. But that’s not the case
It’s a big accusation to make with no certain proof
Also loved the lack of arguments descending into name calling, keep it up
it’s actually so common that it doesn’t usually make the news except when it’s ultra horrific like this
Wow just one, oh the humanity
Outliers are a thing
the article, if you read it, has stats on murders of trans people
That’s not so much a murder stab as a flesh stab. To spell that out, it can be a metaphor for:
Ah yes because talking to people is equivalent to murdering them, case closed, thank you, gutsy gumshoe
I refuse to argue with you. Go play in traffic, you inbred cousinfucker.
Hey man if that’s the first thing that came to your head I have bad news for you
Hey bud I hope you trip on the next flight of stairs youre walking down and fall into a pit of broken glass.
Who the hell says “transsexuals” anymore except folk who were out in the 90’s?
If you would like to read some articles how about Forbes?
Congress? Bonus points they give you the stories of a bunch of the victims.
How about a long term view over ten years? Statista
And these are the murders we know. They are difficult to find because a lot of coverage buries the lead on the trans nature of the victims so we only learn about them being trans after the fact. A lot of newspapers use dead names and pre transition photos and don’t mention current names and identities so in some of our communities we only know when someone has died except through word of mouth because when they show up in the paper they aren’t recognizable. This is also why articles tend to use the words “at least” or have inconsistent counts per year. New ones are always coming to light as friends and family struggle to get the word out.
You do not see these news articles because your news silo filters them out. There are vigils every year where the names are read out. The circumstances of those vigils are that the main reason for the violence was because of the victims gender identity. You asked for sources. Have at em.
The dude probably would have known these things if he switched to any news channel that wasn’t Fox.
Honestly a lot of news doesn’t actually cover this stuff as it should. Covering trans topics is usually something that causes backlash or requires a high degree of finesse in reporting and explaining so these modern lynchings go largely uncovered by the big mainstreamers except when they think they have a winner that’s straightforward enough to report in a short quippy segment.
Yeah and all these dead transexuals, are they dead because they were targeted by conservatives or are you just assuming that must be the case?
Because that doesn’t look like a concerted effort to wipe them out.
Read their stories yourself. They are right there. You want me to do all the work for you? Piss off.
Not reading all that. Fuck off, transphobe
No arguments? Cool I guess
I don’t argue with idiots
Here is 1. I just searched “trans murder usa” and this story was basically the first 5 stories and reading any of them should have been faster than writing your post.
Oh no they are wiping them out. The full country news cycle would be filled with it if it were true
I hope one day you’ll say the same when it affects your loved ones.
Hmm, are those conservatives in the US Government? One state just passed a law making exhibitionism a felony if intent is established, but if the exposed genitals differ from the “expected” genitals, intent doesnt matter. Separate but equal i guess.
That’s a lot of words just to admit you’re fucking stupid.
You can “believe” all you want in your happy little make-believe bubble, but the facts are that conservatives are trying to ban, restrict, redefine, and remove trans people from getting healthcare, from being referenced in media or schools (censored), and removing them from the military.
Here’s the list from the ACLU of all 456 anti-LGBTQ bills in the US.
Yeah, conservatives are so tolerant…
…oh. And there’s never been a law to force people to use correct pronouns. Ever. There’s never been an effort to “force” anyone or do anything. People were simply asking for you to respect them by using preferred pronouns. Asking for people to respect them as a human being is apparently an affront to US Conservatives.
Does that sound like murder? Nothing like the sorts
Those policies result in shit like this: …and that was murder.
The language used by the state, that they are less than human, that they are evil, that they are less than human…leads to shit like this. Act dense all you want, but you know you’re wrong.
Sorr-, you are already way too deep in your rabbit hole. Nobidy of us will get you out there. Probably is a better platform for your views (judging from your profile).
You sound ignorant, transphobic and racist af, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?
You live in a make believe bubble that isnt reality in the slightest.
Conservatives are the least tolerant group of people in the country, with zero diversity.
Fuck off shitstain Trump loving inbred bitch.
I’m actually surprised you were able to read the comment given your lack of arguments, but descending into name calling is par the course when you have nothing else I guess
Descending into name calling is because you are a racist and transphobic asshole my dude, get the fuck over it snowflake. Your feelings got hurt? I dont give af how you feel since you are a racist transphobe.
Trump doesnt give a fuck about you, but keep on sucking his dick like a degen.
You’re literally voting for the scum that are rolling back their rights, you dense pancake.
I do like pancakes
Trans rights, quit lying to defend the people who want to outlaw my existence
edit Ooh hey the comms you moderate explain a lot about you :D why are you such a blatantly lying, hateful asshole?
No one wants to outlaw your existence lmao 🤣. I really doubt anyone cares that much about a random dude on the internet
Love your lack of arguments descending into name calling tho, I know you are doing your best
Then explain all your subsequent statements where conservatives are doing that very thing.
The fact that transgender people exist is not a “view”. It’s a scientific fact. Maybe if your school had been funded better you would know this.
It is not a game. They are not playing. They are expressing themselves. Treating them the way they want does no harm to anyone.
Having mis-matched clothing or genitalia has never stopped anyone who wanted to do harm to someone else in a bathroom. This is a bullshit issue.
So no one is getting targeted by conservatives? Because that’s a very big thing to say. Anyone would expect this to be on news 24/7 if it were like that
You are on the wrong side of history, unfortunately you have plenty of company.
As for pushing views on others, not everybody is Christian, not everybody is straight, and white. But that’s been pushed on Americans for a long time. Those times are over, and MAGA is just an angry mob that can’t handle change and progress.
No arguments? Cool I guess.
Yeah these same conservatives are trying to editorialize what books are available in libraries, I don’t really think they have personal freedoms at heart.
Maga is fascist, not conservative.
Because of its strong stated desire to return to an idealised past it is both. There’s no need to split hairs.
No but it matters. The return to an idealized past is fascist politics because it is not really a “return”, since the “idealized past” is an unreachable fiction. So by necessity, it is a radical departure from the present towards an idealist future.
Conservatism is, well conservative. It thinks that things are the way they are out of a necessity beyond the fickle whims of this or that person. And therefore change enacted by people is always suspect because it doesn’t understand that necessity. Chesterton’s fence is the perfect model.
Now both conservatism and fascism are reactionary in relation to progressivism. But the deep distrust you see among some traditional conservatives towards Trump is no accident and it is not an indication of some “strong moral core”. It is a natural response of true conservatism in the face of the radical reactionary politics of fascism.
It’s not just splitting hairs because this is an important fault line in the enemy camp that can be leveraged to create cracks.
Apologia at its finest! Well done.