Mates, makeup ain’t for y’all. You know how you spent eight hours messing with your .bashrc or rolling for counter strike skins or whatever weirdass hobby you have? You don’t do it because you are trying to attract women - you see your friends get into something cool and you get competitive with them. That’s what it is for the womenfolk. They get their nails did and do weird ass makeup looks because it’s a fun hobby. They know that you probably don’t care about the difference between coffin and ballerina nails. But their friends do, and they want to show off, because it’s fun.
Wow, this is a wake up call. I have been wasting my time on this .bashrc file.
Man she’d be really hot if her eyelashes were longer.
There. I just said it. Now this post is a LIE
So, a few things:
- No way to prove you’re a dude.
- Post is still not a lie, as your statement followed the post. You can’t say that someone in the year 1900 was a liar if they said “no man has walked on the moon”.
- Technically you wrote it, not said it. Therefore your comment is a LIE
writing is a valid form of speech, and protected under the first amendment
Gotdamn yall. Some men think it’s hot, some men don’t. Some women do wear makeup for others, some women don’t. More broadly, no one group does anything for a single reason so we need to stop being so combative online about shit posts.
hey so this might come as a surprise to some guys but actually most of the time women put effort into their appearance for themselves, so they feel confident, and comfortable in their bodies.
this post is reeking of Jordan Peterson’s women wear makeup because they want to fuck me energy
I’m a woman. We don’t do it for ourselves, we do it so outward society as a whole doesn’t call us “tired” all day. If I thought I could go into work with no makeup and not get looks or comments, I would.
And while I have my disagreement from Peterson, you’ve completely missed the point to what he said. Makeup emulates the changes a face goes through when aroused. It is tied to attraction, which is tied to sex. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp.
Or: man she looks way hotter with her lips ready to explode from the collagen injected into them to make him look more full!
Ladies please stop doing this it is not more attractive!
How egotistic do you have to be to think that your opinion is warranted with regards to women’s appearance? Good for you if you think you don’t like lashes. No one asked, and I’d be willing to bet you’d see a woman with full face on including lashes or mascara and think she looks great. 🙄
The men in this thread calling women repulsive for wearing lashes are unbelievable. Imagine saying something so horrible to someone about an aspect of their appearance you personally think you don’t like. And then you wonder why no one wants to date you. So fucking sad that the endless male commentary on women’s bodies can make it to c/all and see so much support here.
This site is becoming the same kind of mysognistic reddit was.
I’m afraid, this isn’t exclusive to Lemmy or Reddit. It’s just patriarchy and toxic masculinity doing its thing
Which is true, but the male gaze is at work here. Makeup isn’t necessarily about attracting men.
It’s not and that’s completely fair but when it gets to this come on
The bigger the eye lashes the more often she will lash out on you