Yeah so blaming other leftists who didn’t for liberals is really senseless and still divides the left
Yeah so blaming other leftists who didn’t for liberals is really senseless and still divides the left
I don’t think I have any obligation/duty to democracy, given how its going.
There aren’t too many trump supporters in this community to remind of egg prices so it just comes off as a stale meme reposted over and over for fake internet points. Go beat this drum where conservatives are.
Dawg, the democratic party failed to energize it’s base by running a center right campaign with a platform of strong boarders, a strong military, and tax cuts. Them failing to get enough votes is there fault for trying to beat voters with the cudgel of trump while offering nothing to most working families. I voted for Kamala, and even I recognize this. I am really tired of seeing a comment like this every time there’s a post about trump. The election is over. Rhetoric like this only divides the left further.
They’re still doing it, like there are still prison plantations in Louisiana where they send black people for having half a joint on them.
Really living up to that name lovablesidekick
If you twist them beyond their normal stopping point the thin plastic that holds the knob to the peg behind it can snap easily, or like if a curious kid slides it off the peg it they might lose it or it might not go back on very securely.
Yep. We saw this when obamacare was first rolled out. Many quit their shitty jobs and became self employed.
The frog and the chimp go so hard
Man I love crayfish and worm casserole at Thanksgiving.
They’re ducks so their not going to eat turkey? Lmao
Every human wants to be treated humanely. This is not exclusive to men. Neither is having a rough time due to one’s job or society.
Then they should’ve
Because they’re being indoctrinated by Kick streamers like I was by YouTubers in 2015. It’s so disappointing to see the same shit that ruined me for years ruin them.
Nah. I make my own preworkout protein bar and each has a tablespoon of honey. Hit that and some caffeine, (banned in the Olympics) and you’ll have a ton of energy while lifting.
Both forms of child killing don’t have to be a thing.
You’re arguing to argue, even if you don’t realize it. I didn’t really say anything about liberals specifically other than they failed with their campaign. You’re like, arguing against liberals with someone who said the liberals didn’t run a good campaign… Do you like arguing or are you just really worked about about something that’s like tangentially related to what I said and that I think you and me would even agree on, If that was what I was actually talking about. I never said liberals were the left you’re just… Being silly.