Is it just as ridiculous as not wanting to be referred to as trans? Why label what something is not rather than what something is?
Is it just as ridiculous as not wanting to be referred to as trans? Why label what something is not rather than what something is?
Works for most conversations, I agree
Trans women want to be referred to as just women, and biological women don’t want to be referred to as Cis women, so other than female, what is there?
I agree that I get the ick from female when referred to by certain men, but at this point, I don’t see another option.
There were many deciding factors.whats been happening to women’s sports is just one of the.m
Sports didn’t. The vocal left insisting that I’m “right” because I want to keep biological women’s spaces for biological women. We can open other categories for trans people to participate in. We can give rights without others being forced to give up their own.
If the government shuts down, it means they go home, not that they’re forced to work without pay.
I mean… Good? TSA is worthless anyway, they should be shut down forever. I hope it’s one of the first agencies that are completely abolished
Do you have that same attitude towards ICE agents kids?
People lose their jobs all the time and still feed their kids. A government shutdown is a good thing.
Sports forced me to what?
In my reply, I said I’m a constitutionalist. It used to be a thing that wasn’t defined as right-wing, but whatever the new DNC left has become, they’re the ones who are insisting constitutionalists are right-leaning.
It’s gets super convoluted at that point. Men and women who have switched genders by way of hormones is an easy solution. You can have the same league levels as we do now, not have to make up a whole bunch of new ones, and you keep women’s sports for assigned at birth
To be clear, mens sports are usually open sports, they started being called men sports when women had to open up their own, but I think anyone can partake. They don’t, because they lose, and it makes it not fun. So open categories aren’t an answer. But a hormone competitions are a great one. :)
Are you asking all of us? I’m personally a constitutionalist. That never used to be right-leaning, but it’s now forced in that camp. Im also a staunch supporter of biological women’s sports staying that way, and opening categories that incorporate trans men and trans women together in one. Much more interesting sporting that way anyway. Includes everyone, you’ll see more trans men in sports (very few if none as of now) and you get to keep biological women sports as fair as possible.
Evil, I know. 🙄
It’s funny, but more realistically, a hoarder at this mangetude usually has strong emotions tied to items. It can be that it reminds them of something or someone, or they feel a huge amount of guilt at even the thought of tossing it. Could be guilt of climate change or guilt of the item’s purpose being wasted. It could be as simple of being afraid of being in a situation and needing one again.
Even the hoarders that explain their horde by way of earning money (this will be worth something) is just using it as an excuse to horde. They tend to like the idea of what it could be and enjoy imagining the project, but don’t actually enjoy the action of doing the project. The connection to hoarding items is hoarding the imagination of it, and having the physical thing makes that imagining much more real to them.
Still, it’s a funny comic.
I’ve been to Thailand. It’s not the Americans that are complaining, it’s the British and the Australians, both of which also speak English.
Why are you jumping to Americans?
I didn’t come online and claim my mom didn’t. If I did, then I’d be putting up proof.
You: lol, Elon stupid.
Me: oh, I haven’t seen anything to make me say that, why do you say that?
You: because he is
Me: do you have any proof?
You: lol, proof? I don’t need proof, and how dare you ask me for proof, you prove to me he doesn’t!
…that’s not how this works, lol
Opinions that differ from yours aren’t trolling.
Wait, if he’s only a talking head and doesn’t help or know anything then why is the steering wheel coming off his fault? Wouldn’t that be the fault of the engineers or manufacturing techs who work on it?
Everyone else in the world doesn’t need to prove their credentials, there are plenty of people who know what’s up without credentials. He has a Degree in physics and has self-taught himself many things. Some people are just good at learning things and he’s one of them.
The good thing about Lemmy is my comment isn’t buried by thousands of bot accounts. When I’m downvoted for my wrong-think, everyone still sees it!
Oh, interesting, where is this information coming from?