I’ve seen boomers complain about a lot of things, but young people’s propensity for addiction is not one of them.
Addiction’s still around, it just jumped to different things like screen time and gaming. Everything else is getting too expensive to maintain.
Meth is still reasonable.
Nah they always bitched. Addicted to the TV. Addicted to video games. Addicted to computers. Addicted to cell phones, etc. The irony being they’re all addicted to their iPads to browse Facebook.
Marlboro’s didn’t lead us to Fascist takeover and destruction of American democracy. All young Democrats had to do was show up to vote, even after Trump had ripped away safe federally protected Abortions, and they simply could not be bothered. The jokes write themselves.
I know 5 that have admitted they didn’t vote and I’m pretty sure a few were because they couldn’t vote for a woman as they never really seemed concerned about Palestine. And I don’t use social media so me knowing that many is surprising to me
Why couldn’t they vote for a woman?
Misogyny, presumably.
Young dems are misogynists? Weird.
No, people who specifically won’t vote for women are misogynists. You’d be surprised how many people there are who fit that description even on the left.
No it’s not coherent, but neither are humans in general.
you should congratulate them for not voting for “genocide joe”, i’m sure trump will be kinder
Yeah, the country was not ready for a female president. If the ticket had been flipped, Waltz would have had a much better chance.
deleted by creator
I certainly have a lot more context than you internet stranger I’m just not spelling it all out here
Maybe people decided that choosing between staying a broken course and going down a worse one wasn’t worth it. Democrats can’t keep offering people nothing and being surprised that people don’t vote for them.
B-but GI Joe! (Genocide Inducing Joe Biden)
Are you blaming the youngs for the state of the state of America?
THEY DIDN’T FUCKING VOTE. You know who did, young republicans, and more latino and arab americans than have ever voted for a republican candidate in us history before, and they voted for Trump. yeah, i kinda am. free, fair, safe, elections, and Democrat youth couldn’t be bothered to cast a fucking vote. 2.3% made up the difference between saving american democracy and losing it all.
Don’t blame them, it took a lot more than just their votes to lose the election. Blame Harris’ terrible campaign that thought fundraising was more important than standing up for people’s interests. She endorsed fracking while we had the hottest year on record, focused on attracting moderate Republicans, didn’t have a policy platform with any focus on worker or consumer rights, and neglected to campaign in multiple states. Concerts with celebrities and mega corporate donors just looks like more of the same thing the Republicans like to do.
She ran a bad campaign, and proof of that is the post-election spike in Google searches for “is Biden running for president”. Trump managed to mobilize young rebuplicans, as you have a stated, so why aren’t you talking about Harris’ inability to motivate a block of 10 million Democrat voters of all ages.
This will keep happening until the DNC realizes they can’t also be the party of corporate America and have the People’s consent to govern.
At least in Germany, numbers are going down. One interpretation is that the kids are too busy with all the devices and have no free hand
You don’t need a free hand when you can stuff 22 cigars in your mouth
TIL now nothing is holding me back anymore. Thanks!
came here to say this
Very happy to see Lemmy is well cultured 😄
My grandma killed herself by smoking for 60 years. Got stage 4 lung cancer and relied on my mom for 24 hour care for a year before she finally kicked the bucket. I feel no pity for her and I wasn’t even sad when she died. She was an awful woman who used everyone around her until literally the day she died. Played the victim in situations she put herself in and expected others (my mom) to bail her out.
To be fair, nicotine is one of the most addictive substances