Is anybody honestly against single occupancy gender neutral bathrooms? I always took it to be a matter of multi-occupancy bathrooms.
They know that. They are used to breaking in on their kids and spouses in vulnerable positions in the gender neutral bathrooms in their homes. They are used to “accidentally” walking in on their neighbor’s kids who are visiting.
Why do you think they are scared of that kind of bathroom in public?
The gender stuff is just a distraction from the resource hoarding and exploitation of the working class. The people in positions of authority or power (like 0.0001%) don’t really care about their religious “beliefs” etc. or whatever else drives them to say they care about gender neutral bathrooms. The only real belief for such 0.0001 percenters is self preservation.
But there definitely are useful idiots in the lower ranks who are manipulated using religion to pretend they’re all somehow morally superior while they’re being cowardly or petty.
Idk it always seemed like knowing that gender is a social construct / or performance clarifies how to resolve the exploitation of people in the working class who have to perform oppressive roles because of their gender. It really is emancipatory as in it allows no linkage of production roles with biological attributes, for starters. And even allows the working class to stop dividing itself on the basis of gender. There will always be short sighted or selfish actors who turn the movement towards bourgeois interpretations.
True. The more divisions between workers we eliminate (be they gender, race, national origin, whatever) the better it is for all workers.
My uncle has a male pictogram on his bathroom door and a female on the door to the kitchen.
If he ever enters the kitchen he becomes genderfluid
Ah shit that reminded me to change the gender fluid in my car. Thanks.
Needless to say, aunt shits in the woods
No, she shits in the kitchen.
I know it is a meme, but males are well known for their rape habits, and a bathroom seems like the perfect place for that… So yeha, keep those divided please. Still, allow trans people to go wherever they feel comfortable. The percentage of trans people is too low to be a concern.
I get the feeling that if a man wanted to rape a woman a dedicated women’s bathroom would be a better target.
In gender neutral bathrooms there might be another man in there instead of a woman, or a woman and a man. Also straight couples and mixed gender friends groups can go into gender neutral bathrooms together. I would say this is very likely to decrease the risk of rape crimes happening. Safety in numbers.Personally there’s been times while traveling that I wished my husband and I didn’t have to separate to take bathroom breaks cuz we were at some sketchy, secluded rest stop off the highway. I would’ve felt safer with a gender neutral restroom in those instances.
Yeha, I think having a third gender neutral bathroom would be nice. But don’t remove the sense of security some women get from women-only bathrooms.
I think most people feel comfortable with the division. I wouldn’t mind going into the gender neutral to pee, but if I had to take a shit, I wouldn’t want to do that next to women.