As a consumer of both, I believe the people that think pot is a personality and vomit pseudoscience really do a disservice to all the other regular folks who also use cannabis. Not that alchohol doesn’t have comparable types (“I can’t drink so much without feeling it!”), it has just been socially acceptable for a longer period of time.
I fucking hate that type and when they stink up a whole fucking grocery store from the other side of the building. Theyre just as bad as alcoholics.
Profoundly stupid take
Found the person that “drives better when theyre high”.
As a comsumer of none, you all look like junkies to me (including the cigarette/vape and coffee people). 🙃
I’m sure everyone is very impressed.
Never in my life has someone been impressed by that. They always just feel personally attacked, for no good reason.
Maybe the reason here is that you implied that anyone with habits you personally consider to be undesirable are junkies?
At least my liver’s not going to resemble a tryptophobia trigger image by the time I’m 40. 'Sides, actively growing my own instead of just buying it gives me a reason to get out in the dirt and sun, and actually give a damn what kind of soil goes into my garden box.
Yeah, just your lungs, lol
My lungs were already going to be a wash, I live in the emissions pit called Amerika