Nobody cares what instance you block. You’re not the main character. 🤣
Nobody cares what instance you block. You’re not the main character. 🤣
all while living under brutal siege warfare by the burger empire
the wasp nest is really rankled by this one
I think that’s precisely the point the meme is making with the cost of healthcare in US. If you can afford it then it’s great, and if not then you’re screwed.
the least deranged westie has logged on
they really are :)
They’re also social animals by nature where cats tend to be solitary. I find my cats mostly keep to themselves, and come out to hang out for a bit here and there which is perfect for me. Kind of like having a reclusive roommate who’s really chill.
I find both are good pets and fit different people better. I don’t know why people get so worked up over these things to be honest. Was really meant as light humor and nothing more.
I’ve got two, both just generic tabby cats. I got the black one 9 years ago as a kitten, and the grey from a shelter a couple of years ago. Both are indoors and pretty chill. :)
You seem to be taking this joke rather personally. If you enjoy walking your dog no matter the weather, then good for you. Not sure why you’re so upset over a comic to be honest.
The joke is that by choosing this type of pet, the owners subject themselves to doing things they aren’t enjoying doing.
I find both cats and dogs are fun in their own way, but dogs are definitely a bigger commitment. The fact that you do have to take walks with them is at least good for you healthwise though. :)
Cats are definitely more my speed as well. I find mine need like maybe 15-20 min attention a day and they mind their own business otherwise. It works perfectly for me.
Enjoy picking up shit with your hands every day.
He specifically articulates the problem with Signal in the talk which is collection of metadata (phone numbers).
would be very on brand for them
maybe you should read the reply to that comment
that’s the weirdest possible way to interpret that meme