If this was named Mario I would check myself with a psychologist.
If this was named Mario I would check myself with a psychologist.
How many people did the construction crew start and end with… If it’s a difference of one…
That is one reason another is one my company does often. See in most cases you get hired as a contractor, so no pto no benefits no holiday pay etc. So let’s say a manager has a contractor who is really good and they want to make them a permanent employee. First they have to convince upper management that the manager deserves a full time employee. Now they have to create a job offer, open to all internal and external applicants. They need to collect/sort resumes, they then select a series of people to interview. Now in 99% of cases the recipient is already choosen and the interviews don’t matter but they have to put on a show. Then the manager has to explain why the other applicants are worse and the employee who is still a contractor actually deserves the permanent position. Then only then will the contractor be offered a employee position.
Also we must keep 20% of all the workforce at each site as contractors. So full time positions only appear when either a bunch of contractors are hired or employees quit either of which throws off the ratio. We have lost many great employees due to this policy.
Schrodinger’s washed hands
It’s a great time as space age aka 2.0 just released. If you’re the type to get absorbed into min/maxing stuff, remember to say goodbye and I love you to your family before launching factorio.
I’m trying to figure out if you are a transfer and upset you still have testicals…
Or you literally bought a ball pit to play in now are think you have the check all the balls fo sweat, piss, shit, fungus, mold whatever else festeres in those…
No! That’s $10 fine! Send me a private message and I’ll give you the address to send the iTunes gift card serial number to pay the fine(yes internet fines are only payable in iTunes gift cards)
Fucking Dave…
Not you Dave2, specifically u/FuckingDave
It’s doesn’t say anything good about your navy but really doesn’t say anything good about your AUTOpilot.
So really it’s in a few days iwfu(I will fuck up)
But can he lie about it? Can his brothers deny?
Fuck tine. … To buy a new bike
Cops were called to a kindergarten class. A young student was arrested for “resisting a rest”.
The next day cops were back due to a “kid napping”
I hear they have a wand that is magical…
I’m a real man… I’m going to work at Hitachi making large heavy construction equipment… Like cranes and back loaders… Wait what do you mean “personal massager department”???
Technician : The engineer ordered the wrong size glass
But does his backpack got jets?
Not to mention the amount of analog clocks that are just wrong. I work at a fortune 500 company, most clocks are digital and synced to a time server. Every analog clock is wrong. Just yesterday I walked through the cafeteria and glanced at the clock and it read 5:20… For a second I panicked and was like it can’t be that late. I checked my phone, it was 3:06. The clock was just not set properly.
At that point it’s a single point of failure, hack that central repo and infect everything. Plus Linux is not centralized… That’s kinda the point, suse, Debian, arch, red hat all have their own repos…
Well, were you acting like a crybaby?