Hmmm… I may skip this one. This one requires a… special mood I guess (upvoting though!)
Come with the great migration.
Hmmm… I may skip this one. This one requires a… special mood I guess (upvoting though!)
I’d like to know too, I strongly suggest this is a delusion. Although the saying is a cliché, it’s a remarkably correct statement.
Well at least this may very well work as intended
Oh, right. I thought it was related to a particular kind of diagnosis. Thanks for clarifying.
What’s happening in the American Reich is inspiring a very strong sense of European patriotism like I’ve never seen before among common people around me.
It’s pretty ironic, yet makes sense, that European unity could be achieved this sad way.
Oh, btw, one last thing. When you say “we”, you mean… Who ? Thanks!
Hmm. Thanks for the info. I might need to have a talk with my psychiatrist.
Hmm. Yes indeed. But can’t it… well…hurt, like physically, even if the sense of self is gone?
What? could you elaborate on that?
WooOo we spinoposting today!
Wrong social network bub. You might be looking for gab.
I’ve been pondering about this for an hour. Err. Idk. Yes. No. Maybe. Kinda yes I suppose?
Oh well, back to racoons and owls.
Yeah, this indeed.
A word from a stranger leading me to his Wikipedia page. The second one is decisive. Wikipedia can make mistakes, but there are some heavy leads…
Well technically yes, it’s a French way of thinking.
Just googling his name and… ewww.
Being no. American, I had no idea who this person was, sorry!
Damn. I had no idea who that person was. I thought it was just a classical meme template featuring some random dude. I saw this posted so often I never really thought that person may be a public one.
Thanks for the warning, I’ll never post using this template again.
And fk nazis.
That’s satirical, right?
I do that way too often and… I wonder if it’s not a special kind of self poisoning.