More accurately the waterfall mission ends up on Phobos only to have to scramble to figure out how to land on Titan because the customer can’t tell the difference between moons
More accurately the waterfall mission ends up on Phobos only to have to scramble to figure out how to land on Titan because the customer can’t tell the difference between moons
Are they? These seem to be completely different products to me. One has caffeine and artificial sugar whereas the other has neither. I’d have a hard time believing these are the same products and not just similar ones with confusing names
Fuck great call. I thought having two “war” novels might make the joke worse but Infinite Jest is peak big brain public masturbation reading material
Based off of the try-hard linkedin douches I know I’d say:
Reminds me of this classic
And she was mostly returning the looks they were giving her!
Pretty famously the Affordable Care Act polls pretty well with both parties whereas Obamacare polls very poorly with Republicans. One would find that odd considering those are two different names for the same thing
I don’t know who this is for but one of us clearly misplaced it:
The known liars with a 12% error rate? I don’t know why you wouldn’t believe them
Not what the meme implies but yes. I went to a place in Akihabara that was mostly just one dude at a counter grilling and smoking food. He didn’t speak English so the nice Singaporean gentleman next to me was translating for us. It was a great meal
Clearly you aren’t familiar with the Calvins Twins and their horse boxing empire
Yeah defund the checks notes private non-profit organization run on donations! Oh that’s not what defunding means? He knows that and is watering down the word? He’s doing it so when he slashes funding from the regulatory agencies built to keep shit heads like him in line the MAGA chuds will cheer for him?
It’s sad because it’s obvious what he’s doing, and yet it’s going to work anyway
And yet nobody wants a sushi glory hole
One thing to consider is that delivery and takeout are significantly more popular than they were 4 years ago. Some of these chains either anticipate or encourage you to heat your cookies just before you eat them and halfway cooking them gives the best results. A place just down the road from me encourages 1 minute on high in the air fryer or 3 in a toaster oven before eating
That’s why it says “most reasonable conclusion.” If all of these religions have the same level of evidence of their existence, all have people who are certain that their religion is real and all others are false, and they all claim to be the “truth” then what’s most reasonable?
Obviously it’s possible that any given religion is correct about the world, but if you ask me which is more probable: that every human religion is wrong except the 1 that is correct, or that every human religion is wrong? I think I agree with the original quote
I usually feel like I have an intuitive answer to “what ifs?” This one really surprised me to find that the answer is basically “nothing”
Shit. Yes.
Also one of the few that wouldn’t be improved by removing Heathcliff
A pre-built tower with a disk drive and windows 7. I think you better call the Loch Ness Monster cuz you’re only getting about three fitty for that