Don’t worry, the author went on to create the most hated ending for a popular series in modern history. So it balances out.
Don’t worry, the author went on to create the most hated ending for a popular series in modern history. So it balances out.
Yeah, I read that and… the author is still a piece of shit.
They look like African wild dogs.
An interesting solution to increase TTD* in random webchat.
*TTD: time-to-dick
Midori was, when I last checked years ago, a GTK browser using the WebKit engine. Back then, its shtick was being fast and native on GTK environments.
If you’re looking for a good level of privacy and security without breaking sites, LibreWolf is always a good option. If you want anonymity, then you’ll need to contend with breaking sites and more esoteric browsers, like Tor.
Depends on the dude.
Poison. The house will be uninhabitable for a week, but they’ll be gone.
Definitely don’t lock yourself in with them and repeatedly stab their lungs in a flurry of blows on both sides. That could cause their lungs to collapse and / or fill with blood, which might result in a death by either filling your chest with air but still gasp for air, or drowning in their own blood. And nobody wants that.
Oh shoot. It was a great joke and I totally missed. Woooosh.
‘77 punk lasted really only 3 years. I’m thankful for it happening.
“Hey, this is exactly like a strawberry pie, if you replace the strawberry by veggies and meat, and the pie by water. It’s actually a stew.”
By all means, do whatever comparison you want, but I’ll reserve the right to disagree.
I get all that. It’s the punchline that makes no sense.
Look, another deeply troubling toxic relationship with retail.
Could you point me to the ones that did?
As someone that has programmed professionally a good chunk in C for embedded systems (basically it’s home turf), fuck C.
I did, but the direction is reversed. XKCD talks about how standards multiply and get more complex. This is talking about a different motivator for computing technologies, which is having a leaner, simpler alternative, that eventually gets bloated.
It’s talked about in this thread. The short version that IBM built a logistics machine for the Nazis that was used to coordinate the transport of supplies for the war effort and transporting people to concentration camps.
And have certainty? Are you mad?! I have enough health issues as it is. Now where is that hole in the ground I had my head on?..