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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • I have a feeling Israel would rather just stop invading other countries and genociding Palestinians than instigate a nuclear holocaust and killing all of themselves. Seems like the smarter open, no? It’s not like they haven’t been slapped down by the US before. They always go too far. This has happened before and will happen again.

    Hell, even Reagan and HW have withheld arms and money to Israel before for invading Lebanon or taking over Gaza or West Bank settlements, and that was after they had nukes. Biden is to the right if Republicans on this issue.

  • It’s not simplistic, it’s factual. It’s more complicated than some people think, but way more simple than Zionists make it look, who try to I jegt artificial nuance to make people look away. And it’s worked up until the internet has made it easier to see the genocide than ever before. I’d recommend looking into the British Mandate of Palestine, how a state was promised to Palestinians than reneged by the West to keep the Middle East in chaos, Herzl and the history of Jewish immigration to Israel (and alternative places they were considering like Africa), and the Nakba. Someone around here has a lot of good links, too. I’d also recommend looking into the US, Canadian, and Australian history to find out what settler colonialism is and see how it applies to Palestine.

  • People have already asked for Biden and Harris’s help in stopping this genocide and have been spurned. In this analogy, it’s already after they’ve been given the middle finger while bombs have been given to the people destroying their families. And it was barely applicable as it was.

    And Israel already has nukes. But doubt they’ll use them, the whole point is to take the land they’re invading all over the place, not irradiate it. There’s not a lot Trump can give them that Biden and Harris aren’t already. They’ve even got boots on the ground now so we have an excuse to invade when some will inevitable die.

  • You can’t both sides a genocide, especially when one side clearly started it by settling the other one’s territory, taking their land, and displacing hundreds of thousands of people, without their input. Hamas only popped up decades into Israel taking more and more territory, after many Palestine tried many other ways to fight back but failed.

  • The argument against that is that the best time to make a politician to promise something is when their job is on the line. The vote is really the only way normal Americans have to get their voice heard, and it, along with bribe money from lobbyists, is the only thing they listen to.

    The other argument is that morally, many people can’t bring themselves to vote for someone enabling a genocide. Especially since Kamala is connecting herself so much to Biden saying she’d do all the same things, a vote for her is a stamp of approval for all of the current administration’s policies.

    I’ve heard people say she has to support a genocide because so many Americans are pro-Israel, and she’ll lose the election if she doesn’t show unconditional support. That basically forces the anti-Zionist coalition to vote against her to show their numbers and prove they are to be listened to as well.

  • It doesn’t have to be a progressive party. Not doing a genocide isn’t progressive. Lots of extremely conservative people over the world manage to do that. Right now, the resistance in the Middle East has fucking Iran in it and Turkey put out a heartfelt video about the long-term ramifications of not doing anything when the moment calls for it. These aren’t bastions of poly blue haired progressives.

    How do you guys think we live in a democracy when you are so scared to demand even the most base human morals from your politicians? People are frozen in fear to even ask their politicians to not enable an ethnic cleansing, in case it makes them seem like Trump supporter, and so they offer up the lives of even innocent fellow Americans as sacrifice, exactly like a Trump supporter. It’s ridiculous, and yet you all shrug and accept it, because you’ve been trained into complacency as the country slowly keeps ceding more and more territory to save a democracy that doesn’t even let its citizens vote on whether to eliminate an ethnic group or not, only whether to do it gleefully or with a frown face. This is all very… Weimar Republic.

    Here’s a question. When Trump is gone, will we not be able to fight because of Project 2028? Or 2032? We’ll have to defend ourselves from the fascist overtones of of Presidential Candidate Ron De Santis, so we’re going to have to round up the trans people and kill off the Jews in the hopes of getting more Republican voters to our side, to save our republic again? And again? And we’ll have to shut up about that, too? If the line isn’t drawn at genocide, then there is no line. Unless it’s just at white people, which is starting to feel like the case…

  • Jill Stein didn’t cause the 2016 election. The Libertarian candidate took more votes from Trump than the Green party took from Hillary. And there was no one big thing Stein could point to to try to siphon votes from. Hillary wasn’t electable for a bunch of little things all put together.

    This time Stein is basically just got the genocide and fracking things to point to, so Kamala can easily cover most of that by just not supporting the genocide so openly.

  • You’re never going to be able to convince a lot of people to accept a genocide of their own people. It’s just not possible for some and I don’t blame them. A lot of Americans have never been attacked at home so they don’t understand. It’s a gamble the Administration is doing to keep up their rabid cheerleading of the Nazi-like side. Hopefully it doesn’t blow back on them.