This money you use to pay for your children or grandchildren’s college, house, whatever. Same as the last hundred years
This money you use to pay for your children or grandchildren’s college, house, whatever. Same as the last hundred years
Do you live in a country where every young adult is given a free home automatically?
Read their full comment. They never argued otherwise
People could tell which village you came from just by your accent, strangers would easily stand out
Non-westerners’ view on what life is like here always amaze me. Then they complain they’re not rich besides earning “a lot”, because they’re fed the propaganda that we’re all dirty imperialists exploiting them. No, most of us are not millionaires. Most of us can’t even buy a place to live without enslaving ourselves for half our life to bankers. But OK buddy
You think a government can ask a couple of dozen thousand, barely literate goons to do something like this without the word getting out within a week?
People in here need to stop seeing conspiracies when “the generals just cut a line in the middle of a map” is the obvious explanation.
I thought this was German tbh
Gendered bathrooms? It certainly does not require a lot of good faith to come up with this example.
Germany absolutely got a pass though?
Answers to your comment are hilarious, these people deserve Trump but they don’t even realise this. Rats complaining about cockroaches.
Can’t you read or do you just want to be right?
Living in the street isn’t that bad anyway
Considering most Americans lose their shit at the slightest hint of an accent, it’s not really surprising.
What? This is exactly what Orwell wrote about
Yeah the us defaultism really shows here.
Step 1. Vote Merkel in for 20 years Step 2. Blame the left
I see the exact same pattern in France. Almost like people are spewing talking points without any actual logic behind them
I’d rather someone force me to speak properly than just refuse to engage at all, which is what happens if you meet a German who cannot/will not speak English.
Funny, every complaint I read online about the French seems to apply much better to Germany. But I’ve never heard the same criticism IRL for some reason
Buying a big SUV, shopping at h&m, eating red meat multiple times a week, and flying to the other side of the world during summer, are all worse than voting for climate change. Companies don’t pollute for the sake of it.