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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Fedegenerate@lemmynsfw.comtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldConsent machine
    1 month ago

    I don’t think history looks back negatively on any “I won’t support [a little] genocide” crowd, if there isn’t maybe this will be the first.

    Is there a particular “this group of common folk opposed Hitler wrongly, everything’s their fault” narrative that is common? I meant this as a rant, but I’m too ignorant and perhaps there is. Obviously, Nazis and Nazi supporters are criticised. There’s those in power that handed it off to Hitler that take some flak. But those without power and also didn’t support Hitler what criticisms do they come under

    Learning the lessons of history and who future generations are going to blame for the here and now. Is it going to be leftists that didn’t vote Nazi?

  • Fedegenerate@lemmynsfw.comtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldQuick thinking
    1 month ago

    When is it do you believe the Marxists and Anarchists were in power? When do you believe they held the gun to be able to give it away?

    Punch up, not down.

    To put it in another reference frame. When a video game fails who’s fault is it? The millions of consumers? Or the corpo overlords? When democrats fail, is it the fault of millions of voters? Or the fault of corpo overlords? When something fails it is always the responsibility of those in power to affect the most change. Except, when it comes to politics, then we forget that it’s those with power that hold responsiblity.

    I hate predatory micro transactions and day 1 dlc. I don’t blame the people that boycotted them for the prevelence of mtx? I blame the people that demand they be sold first, then I blame the people that sell them, then I blame the people that bought them. It’s not the fault of the people that didn’t buy them. Except in politics for some reason.

    Sorry, I just got recommended a “games are shit now corpos took over, it’s the leftist’s fault games are bad”. The misattribution of blame from ‘capital interests’ to ‘leftists’ is so pervasive even the “I’m left of center” crowd are doing it. I didn’t engage there but still need the catharsis

  • Interesting timing. I was considering my own sense of guilt associated with this. I watched and was dwelling on innuendo studios South Bank of the Rubicon video. I was thinking where mine was, when I would act, what that action looked like.

    Part of me had the same reasoning, I am disabled and my qol is set on a ever increasingly downward slope. Physio is merely to slow the acceleration of the decent, as such why wouldn’t my South Bank be a little closer, action a little more drastic.

    I do have a fiancee whom I love dearly, but no kids. My social circle is very close but quite small. My job is for hobby money, it’s not a career. All of which screams why wouldn’t my South Bank be a little closer, action a little more drastic.

    I see JSO keeping corporate sponsored climate disasters in the news. I think who among them had better QOL prospects than I? Why was their bank so much closer, their actions more drastic?

    I don’t have answers, or I do and I don’t like them which is functionally the same. Just a mild sense of guilt which peaks whenever I see someone doing something.

  • I try keep my ID10T errors between an LLM and myself now. I diligently follow all of it’s first steps that I know won’t work. Excuse me, what do you mean check pihole is installed? Of course its, oh it errored and didn’t install. New chat copy-paste error.

    Happened today actually. apt didn’t have access to the internet because the pi’s DNS was set to GPT didn’t figure that out, it did politely ask me whether lighttpd.conf not existing was because pihole didn’t exist after I just, ahem, installed it.

  • I like my n100 mini and usb drives. A full fat server has little WAF when the selling point is an LLM. The n100 handles all our needs sadly.

    A dozen or so LXCs. A dozen or so docker containers. A couple VMs, including a Mint VM to turn my android tablet into a desktop. They were sold as a great little home lab, and that they are.

    Then again, it’s a year old and I’m only beginning in this hobby.

  • Fedegenerate@lemmynsfw.comtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWhat could possibly go wrong
    1 month ago

    People are unaware of the bias of their own government. People are aware of the biases of the Chinese government.

    The biases you’re aware of is better than the biases you’re unaware of.

    Therefore: the deep seek bias is better than openai’s. More tongue in cheek, don’t worry about it.

    I kinda agree for what it’s worth. I’m only half aware of the shit the UK government instilled in me, confronting it is good. I support the tiktok ban in so far as I don’t like any of the “skinner box” media. I wouldn’t single out the Chinese version because it’s Chinese. Edit to clarify, I don’t support an “only tiktok” ban.

    Likewise for AI, I wouldn’t treat deepseek negatively just for being Chinese. If it could make my countrymen less [blank]phobic that would be a boon. I don’t hold much hope though.

  • Fedegenerate@lemmynsfw.comtomemes@lemmy.worldMom hit her with “K”
    2 months ago

    This is the generous interpretation and the one I’m picking. Seems like a stressful situation for all, so a lot can be forgiven.

    I can even understand “k” as response. What can mum do except give the kid, and mum, space to solve the problem? “I understand, I’m calling the police now” or just call the police. One saves time, one wastes it.

    I could even understand it being a “oh shit, oh shit, oh shit” response. Executive function is gone, here’s a “k” while I melt.

    Lots of room here before jumping to mum being the worst person in the world.

  • Alright, a bread sandwich is interesting. Now I love me some bread, but doesn’t the distinction between loaf 1 and loaf 2 get lost in all the breadyness? If they want a hybrid loaf they probably make those. I suppose at 4 they’re not making themselves, but the bread maker… you… might.

    I thought I loved bread, perhaps I merely enjoy it.