I used to have seasonal depression. Then I moved to a tropical country on the equator.
Now I just have regular depression.
I thought that’s where it came from, living in places without seasonal changes
Seasonal depression comes from the lack of light in winter at higher latitudes. My days are 12 hours of sun (+- 30 minutes) every day all year round.
Hey dont worry, a few times a year you get to look at clouds coming in, the wind pick up alarmingly and get to experience “Am I going to have a house in 3 hours?” Anxiety.
I don’t get what you’re saying. We have strong thunderstorms but nothing on the order of hurricanes or cyclones. The city I live in is called the city of eternal spring because the weather is always spring like. Sunny and mild.
Don’t worry, in a couple of years it’s going to become a Tropical Depression. Way better, you’re still happy even when everything around you is falling apart.
Saturday was really warm here, like “t-shirt and jeans weather” warm.
I was in the middle of walking between buildings when the clouds broke.
I immediately turned toward the sun and for one, shining moment, I channeled the spirit of Solaire of Astoria. For a brief moment, I was so grossly incandescent.
I decided “fuck this I’m going home and practicing archery.” so I stood out in the sun for an hour and a half until the sun dipped below the trees.
I really need to get one of those full spectrum light panels that helps with seasonal affective disorder, or like a vitamin d lamp or something. It doesn’t help that my current residence has no windows, so all light is artificial and to get any sun I have to actually go outside.
Maybe healthy interior design needs to look more like a terrarium.
Windows are expensive and developers want to maximize profit, so spec-built homes often have the minimum amount of fenestration required by the building code.
I would like that, the structure would not.
For now all I have is a dragon tree that needs extra attention I need advice on, and an aloe plant.
This was me this past Tuesday. Full arms out, tee and shorts, soaking up every last drop of warmth like a starved plant.
Hopefully it’ll sustain me until proper spring but it was glorious for that moment.
Maybe I’m just a pessimist these days but all I could think about the whole time was, it’s 72F in fucking February, I might legitimately die working out here when June or July roll around. Summer is going to be real bad here.
I’m the opposite. I fuckin love going for a walk in the chilly, crisp air when it’s cold out. Also less people and it’s quieter.
I like the rain. Stay inside, open a window or a door. Watch and listen to the rain. Or go out in a covered area like a porch.
Surviving through November in Finland is good enough.
Finally the fucking winter is over. I was so irritated. No one believes me.
Fuck i need to go outside
Wtf? What hemisphere are you in?
Mate, hate to break the news to you but you’re in the minority.
Try not to fall off the ass-end of the earth 😂
That’s a pretty neat map. And what do you know, the center of humanity is Switzerland!
It’s more exclusive here, away from you northerners
Just happened today. Music on the radio was suddenly great.
Posts like this reminds me that good weather is getting closer… Not too long now!
Sun in February? Try April or May.
FYI: Light therapy lamps are cheap and effective.
Had that recently, it was great
had this today, felt chumbawamba tubthumping
I’ve personally never felt down because there being less light. Summer there’s too much and winter there’s too little, but I’m lucky that it doesn’t affect me much.
some vitamin d supplements and we’re good
I don’t usually do those. I have multivitamins always at home but I just never remember to take them. Too forgetful in the mornings.
I rely on them in the winter. I used to get really miserable from around November onwards but now I take one daily and I’m only moderately miserable
Multivitamins don’t work well, get the individual vitamins.
Well, I keep my vitamin D levels high for actual MD reasons, and I guess I’ve been enjoying the winter weather.
Good vitD levels don’t get rid of other types of being fucked up, unfortunately.
Hahaha holy fuck is this ever true.