Scientists have discovered a never-before-seen giant sea bug after studying samples purchased from fishers in Vietnam.

Bathynomus vaderi belongs to the genus Bathynomus — giant isopods that are abundant in cold, deep waters. It is a “supergiant,” weighing over 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) and growing up to 12.8 inches (32.5 centimeters) long, making it one of the largest known isopods.

The species is named “vaderi” because its head resembles Darth Vader’s iconic helmet from “Star Wars.”

The researchers noted that Bathynomus species have recently become a delicacy in Vietnam, often compared to lobster. The local demand has turned these sea bugs into an expensive staple of the live-seafood market, leading to increased fishing pressures in the region.


    2 months ago

    most multi-legged horrors are adorable

    Hmm, you see where you might differ from the common person? That might explain why people are mad about “an animal in its own habitat”.

    If it looks like it wants to kill me and happen to be in my own habitat, you bet it goes first.