This is the ideal dog body Hollywood is pushing on us.
First rule of advertising. If you want someone to notice your TV commercial or a print ad always put a PUG in it
Nobody should breed pugs. I’ve fostered and adopted several, because people do not have a good understanding of what they’re getting into owning one. They age very badly and always have health problems, my current one is very much on the downslope of life right now and keeping him well and having a good quality of life is a job. But they really do have the sweetest and funniest personalities in the time you do have them. My current pug has done some of the funniest things I’ve ever seen a dog do, and he’s just a love sponge. They’re hard not to love.
Agreed that they are great dogs but a tough breed to care for. When I had them I had special “pug clothes” that I wore at home. The pug hair on everything was a downside. Though my black ones did shed less
Funny enough my current pug has atopic dermatitis so he doesn’t really shed. Like it’s terrible for him in that I have to keep him on super expensive medication to keep him from rubbing himself bald, but it does have an upside!
Edit: this is my pug singing me the song of his people.
One of the best PUG commercials