hey there fellow posters
i’ve recently posted the “Not only is this not how anyone writes, I do not understand why anyone would want to read anything that sounds anything like this” post to my lemmy, reddit, or twitter, and let me tell you, it’s been a total game-changer
i know this isn’t particularly novel but it’s just so depressing we have to read this dogshit everywhere now
Is your beef that the review is fake or that it’s poorly written?
Because everybody knows ALL reviews on Amazon are fake. If that’s what you find depressing, I guess you’ve been living under a rock for the past 10 years. It’s nothing new…
As for the low quality of the fake review, fear not: AI will soon make all fake reviews literary works of art. You’ll soon be able to spend countless hours on Amazon enjoying high-quality machine-written reviews 🙂
? You can’t mean that literally
Enough that reviews are no longer a useful metric
They used to advertise being the only site where fake reviews weren’t rampant. Now they have become the same.
And be mindful, they didn’t gave up, they just ran the numbers and realized the fake reviews actually are better for their bottom line if not for the consumer. So they just stopped talking about it and let them take control.