what is this!? a cheese wheel for ants?
I’m just a man with a guillotine
what is this!? a cheese wheel for ants?
I’ve always wanted to buy one of those big Cheese wheels but let’s be real it’s going to be expensive and then I’m committed to just one type of cheese forever.
absolute hero thanks
just change it out to hate speech and it’s really accurate
just keep fighting the good fight brother, the only person you can control is yourself
damn, they don’t even have a drop point?
Best hot dog place around, I reckon.
hey don’t threaten me with a good time
I was sure I was about to be Rickrolled
Eye. Clairvoyance really helps with bug testing.
I’ll take snow and weed with some gays and vegans on the side please.
You can actually get apps with all the premium features already enabled from Mobilism.
80% chance this person is Canadian
“It’s just a prank bro”, she yelled while rapidly and aggressively spraying the TikToker in the eyes.
A small vocal minority that spurred apathy.
They are sanctimonious while being one of the many architects of our crumbling level of control in our democracy.
Are they a minority? Maybe but US elections are won and lost on an increasingly small number of constituents.
That being said I dislike all forms of non-voting but at least I might be able to convince them.
Ah, i misread your comment
Then in response to the previous one, I would say they’re just a prime example of flawed logic.
asking why be upset with them when there’s other people to be upset about is just whataboutism
Like yes, all those others are also bad. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna cut them any slack.
i often do
this is always the problem, politics is a nuanced game. Even if you want to solve the problem you have to convince everyone there is a problem and then get everyone on board with how you’re going to solve it.
it’s not something you can just snap your fingers and do. it’s made doubly hard when you have an entire wing of the government and corporatocracy fighting a culture war in order to divide the people so they can’t overthrow them.
so does this fly in the face of their publicly stated principles? yes, but it’s the best option they have. this is what happens when you let apathy win you get only bad options.