The idiotic implication that the behavior of other human beings is your responsibility because they’re the same sex as you is frustratingly common.
The irony is that the people who say stuff like that magically realize how invalid the logic is when it comes to any other demographic–you’d never catch them telling black people that black crime is exclusively their responsibility, for example.
Or, perhaps both genders have assholes among them and we, as a society, have lost our ability to communicate with the opposite (or same) sex as caring, feeling human beings.
For many women, it is a regular occurance. Perhaps if you are frequently being assumed an asshole, maybe you are the problem?
That’s the thing though, I am not the problem, it’s some other asshole that can’t take rejection. He is the problem. Two different people.
The idiotic implication that the behavior of other human beings is your responsibility because they’re the same sex as you is frustratingly common.
The irony is that the people who say stuff like that magically realize how invalid the logic is when it comes to any other demographic–you’d never catch them telling black people that black crime is exclusively their responsibility, for example.
Or, perhaps both genders have assholes among them and we, as a society, have lost our ability to communicate with the opposite (or same) sex as caring, feeling human beings.
This is a phenomenally stupid sentence, lmao. Maybe he’s the problem if people frequently ASSUME something about him? If they ASSUME?
Yes honey, that’s the point, great reading comprehension
Would you also tell a black guy “Perhaps if you are frequently being assumed a criminal, maybe you are the problem?”
Somehow, I have a feeling you wouldn’t. But it’s the exact same ‘logic’.
Yes honey, that’s the point, the logic was dumb so I was flipping it back on them.