alternative option alternative option
I’ve been running it a couple of months now. All my banking apps work but 1 and I use one of my other phones for that.
It will only charge as fast as the output of the power bank.
Won’t that increase wind resistance causing the fuel economy to drop? How is that a smart financial decision?
It’s almost like people should know how their job works
In the food court in the mall, the blue tables were non smoking and the gray were smoking. The thing is, they were all mixed in so essentially the whole food court was the smoking section. Don’t get caught smoking at a blue table though, you’ll get kicked out.
The thread is multiple hours old with a few comments and none of them negative. Then you come along trying to stir up controversy. Why? What kind of victim complex is this?
That would be irresponsible parenting and irresponsible gun ownership.
The BCB is underwhelming, especially at the price they were last time they were released. There are much better Taco Bell items that deserve a comeback such as the Triple Steak Stack.
Kind of hard without oceans in the midwest
Why would I spend the time and money on a vacation just to waste it on being lazy? I can do that at home. On vacation I’m up before sunrise, take a shower, and grab breakfast before I start my itinerary for the day.
I’ve seen things that you could only conjure in nightmares.
Getting to the base would be impressive
Ah see I knew about Tarkin going in and saw the CGI. I just recognized it at that, nothing weird.
I still don’t understand what the uncanney valley is exactly. I’ve read the definition but not I don’t experience it that way I guess? I don’t know what people are talking about when they say something is uncanny valley.
I have enough close that I could wear something different daily but I don’t. I just cycle the same few pieces. I also haven’t night hardly any clothing in the past 15 years.
I’m still figuring out proton. I’m trying to switch most of my account over to proton. You use the simple login app? Doesn’t proton pass have that ability as well?
I can’t seem to find the option in the proton drive app.