Worse ingredients, worse sandwiches. Subway.
Worse ingredients, worse sandwiches. Subway.
Gen z is all about gambling for their future, because there’s no other way. Influencer careers, crypto scams, scalping
I could have sworn they went belly up years ago
Heretic in theatre. Was pretty good
Baldurs gate for me personally
I blame baldurs gate
I remember those little scrolls at supermarket check outs. Always thought zodiacs were dumb but the fact that it was a scroll made me want it
Now the 10 year old can do everything alone
We need to turn it in to a DEI term and kill it’s power, what can we use?
Kevin Butler was pretty good tho
Smells like beets and vodka in here
Spacey is the only one that looks right to me
Yes, it appears to be meat
It’s the exact same price
Is the krabby patty actually any different than a Wendy’s single? It looks the exact same on the menu and is the same price
Depending where you live, if it looks inside your unit at all it’s illegal
I like it
Leo Major deserves to be on there
Whatever, so long as you don’t stink
It’s so expensive now too and the veggies taste like water. 6.99 for a 6inch cold cut in Canada