Ahhh… that’s what one of the announcers was saying, but it totally looked like a mouthpiece adjustment to me, more than a biting something.
Regardless, Iron Mike wasn’t himself.
Ahhh… that’s what one of the announcers was saying, but it totally looked like a mouthpiece adjustment to me, more than a biting something.
Regardless, Iron Mike wasn’t himself.
Yeah, Paul was bouncing around like an idiot. Tyson didn’t have his legs and kept fucking around with his mouthpiece.
The whole fight looked like a kid who took a couple boxing lessons at the local fight gym challenged someone’s grandpa who used to fight.
He went full social commentary less than halfway through his career…
He absolutely has. I think that’s part of why we haven’t seen him in a ton of things in the last 15 or so years. I know he went through a phase where he primarily filled his time with painting, and he had a giant warehouse studio where he’d spend gobs of his time pouring himself into stretched canvass. Maybe this is just his next step…
Maybe fun? That passage reads to me that he’s at the point of his career where he can pick and choose his work, and will only agree to it if he can goof off doing whatever the fuck he wants.
It’s just not the same…
Halo CE Hang ‘em High on the original Xbox with Rockets and Grenades (we didn’t specify… frags were game too) will always be one of my favorites.
That, and Sidewinder CTF. Those were some of the most intense hours of my young adulthood in college.
I’ve known some career food service folks. Even if the money is good, I don’t think it’s something to stick with long term if you can avoid it. It’s hard to be present for a family and kids when your working hours are often when the kids are home from school. There’s little to no retirement prospects and it’s difficult to set up long term savings for such since it’s all on you (totally possible, but you’ve got to be intentional about it). Plus most restaurants don’t offer things like health insurance. Everything is in the moment with those jobs… nothing is planned for the long term. As such, it’s difficult to grow.
Folks in food service have my respect. I always hope the best ones find a way out eventually (proprietors excluded). Or I hope they find a way up where they can grow and get access to those employment benefits at whatever restaurant they’re at…
The most lucrative setup I had was actually not a waiting gig but as a waiter’s assistant (WA) at a fine dining joint where I live. Amazing food. I’d been a waiter at Ruby Tuesday’s and a good buddy of mine helped me out and got me a the WA thing where he was. That’s where I got a real appreciation for good food. I made minimum wage plus a tip out every night. Main duties were to run food, fill water and tea, but the big one was flipping tables. Doesn’t sound like much, but I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. It freed the actual wait staff to spend more time paying attention to the guests.
Friday nights were awesome b/c I worked expo, and didn’t have opening or closing duties. Got to know the head chef well too. That place had the best mashed potatoes I’ve ever had, and this mind blowing pancetta gravy that they’d made up one night several years prior when a bunch of the BoH folks were drunk partying together. Soooo glad I got that recipe.
It was the main saving grace. The work sucks ass.
Concur… when I worked food service, I worked front of house. I hated the work, but the camaraderie among the weight staff was great. Definitely grew as a person in that time. Mutual experience with food service is part of how we fell in love.
lol, na. She doesn’t even work in kitchens anymore and has less than no desire to. Too stressful and shitty hours. Plus, with some of her chronic conditions, the hours and hours standing would be unbearable.
She makes some of the best god damned food I’ve ever tasted though…
I thought so too for the longest time. My wife is a chef though, so it’s come up a couple of times since we got together…
As I understand the story, Michelin made tires for cars… and people drive in cars. Maybe if people had a handy guide that told them all the best places to eat, they’d start driving to those places… thus the Michelin Guide was born!
Well that’s my point. Maybe I’m too willing to give older folks the benefit of the doubt, but we don’t know anything about these folks besides political affiliation and that they have a trans grandchild.
I mean, I grew up in a conservative household. In 1997, trans healthcare wasn’t a consideration. It wasn’t an issue in 2007. If it’s not an issue, I guarantee that it wasn’t on most voters mind. The vast majority of the ardent champions for LGBT rights in elected office right now were part of the majority that were against marriage equality at some point of their political career.
Disparaging people for growing, regardless of the reason, is counterproductive.
Would you rather the grandparents had shunned the grandchild? What use is gate keeping correct decisions?
None of them strike me as parody…. Plenty of folks behave as though they believe this stuff heartily. Many of them are in Milwaukee right now.
All you had to do was tell me he sells his own supplements…
You never saw Mike Tyson at his height did you? I only saw a little, and I wanted to see if Iron Mike could stave off Father Time and capture a little bit of what used to be.