Clojure is pretty decent.
Clojure is pretty decent.
unlimited is a scam, people tend to take fewer days when you tell them it is unlimited comparatively as when they have a fixed number of days. I know, I did the same. Now I take care of consuming my allowed PTO entirely and I take a lot more days off than before.
Say you only listen to Wing as the greatest magnificent singer of all time. You are particularly in love with her interpretation of Beat It where she clearly outperforms the miserable attempt of Michael Jackson.
I guess with such an argument the discussion about your musical taste will not take long to switch to another subject.
And also, I really, love Wing because she sing without any other goal than to make other people feel good. No attempt to be a genius or taking herself too seriously.
matrix with element as client.
If you really care about privacy you can hist a matrix server without much resources needed.
cp $fic $fic.$(date -Iseconds) git commit -a -m "save at $(date -Iseconds)" # edit $fic git commit -a -m "save at $(date -Iseconds)" git push -f