Oh my sweet summer child.
They did. If I remember right it actually started with them kissing the Google ring first.
It wouldn’t. It isn’t.
Dark humor has its place and purpose. You aren’t offended and if you are- get some thicker skin or don’t participate. We don’t need to sterilize the world to protect your delicate “sensibilities.”
Coulda been worse… in a very wet … “I hope we wanted to paint that wall” sort of way.
Should be higher up. I knew instinctively it wasn’t the US for reasons … but I did kinda hope.
This is Sarah Connor we are talking about. You’d fail the first time and she’d shoot you immediately.
Well you see your honor: the hand is connected to the arm… And we have the right to bear arms so…
Yup. If you aren’t happy with your partner - end it. Then be adults about it after the fact: especially if you had kids. It’s a simple solution and everyone wins.
I think it’s actually funny / great that everyone is ignoring the misogyny and taking the wife’s side without comment, just assuming the guy is a little bit dim.
It definitely can be interpreted a number of ways- but it was funny regardless. It could easily be taken as “I’m painting over white with white…” and the wife was purely contextual for the story.
The discussions are just making it that much more amusing.
Really taking that angle? It must be exhausting being that easily put off.
The BEST timeline.
Anyone remember repo men? Getting a bit tired of fiction becoming reality…
The tops in boys. Short everything. Capitalism has finally reached the endgame.
Investors are already souring on the AI cost to value return. This is no longer a rush to capitalize on free money - it’s a panic dash to discover something that produces profit before the bubble bursts.
There won’t be bailouts for failed ventures. See the dotcom bubble for comparison. These are exuberant investors expecting massive returns “soon” and getting told “eh… it’s just 2 to 5 more years away.” That wasn’t priced into the expansion of these stocks price. Once it starts to crumble it will be a mad dash to the door to not be the guy holding the bag.
Personally I think that Nvidia may have fucked themselves. They are valued at 10x what they were and have gone nearly all in on hyperconverged ai infrastructure. Thanks to their acquisitions and design choices they have made it a walled garden. Meanwhile most other manufacturers are investing in open architecture to take them on. If this gambit fails they will be struggling to find market share in a world hostile to their entire stack. This is how giants fall.
The important thing is you have discovered this and are comfortable with that knowledge. That in and of itself is a big deal.
I mean when we rode it we actually jumped when it happened to amplify it.
Of course we also lost our back of the bus privileges for a while after some of us landed in different seats. Good times.
Hey now that would only be 15ish cents of 2020 money. Better spend that now before it’s only worth 50% of what it’s worth currently.