Doesn’t sound bad tbh…i like savory waffles. Don’t sugar the dough (no idea if thats a thing, just guessing) and you are good to go
Doesn’t sound bad tbh…i like savory waffles. Don’t sugar the dough (no idea if thats a thing, just guessing) and you are good to go
Living in Norway, it always strikes me how disgusting smoking still is, even outside, when i go to central europe. You get completely unused to the amount of smoke and stink e.g. outside of stores
But air is empty space?! /s
Lol i would definitely buy that. And i don’t own a car…but if i would
Why would it even be weird or anything? I only use Signal and its pretty much the same as whatsapp on the outside…just in blue. The only reason people dont use it is because “eVerYonE hAs WhAtsApP” and they dont bother. 20 useless crap apps but 2 messengers is too much
He, don’t slander. Thats not the kind of thing going on in Austrian cellars