Also, down votes aren’t supposed to be for people who are correcting you (or people you disagree with 😘)
Also, down votes aren’t supposed to be for people who are correcting you (or people you disagree with 😘)
That doesn’t contradict what I said? It matches everything I’ve said as well. And there’s a 60 day grace period generally speaking. Can you define and name any similar with indentured servitude?
That isn’t the rule for h1b visas.
If you want to simplify it, then it’d be If you want to live and work in a country, you have to be sponsored by a company. If you’re laid off, you have 60 days to find another sponsor
I’m not doing either of those things. You made a claim by misunderstanding terms for hyperbole. I said that your claim isn’t true. You backed up your claim with more hyperbole. I rebutted that with how it’s standard practice globally and even in within a larger scope is a more reasonable standard.
QED, the US visa program is not indentured servitude, by colloquial or exact definitions, and not ultra-capitalistic by any stretch. These are not whataboutism or dodging. They directly address your statements.
All countries have some sort of work for visa program, which by itself is not indentured servitude. And given there are non ultra-capitalistic countries that also have it, the practice is also not “as far as one can get”.
Hell, to group the US 's visa program in with the ones that literally end with slavery (and are actually like what you described) is just poor form.
Well yeah, that comes with any sort of immigration setup.
It can be, but isn’t a guarantee. All countries do this to an extent, some do it better than others. You calling it the wrong thing trying to drive a point home with hyperbole isn’t helpful to anyone.
Tying a visa to an employer is not indentured servitude.
Q: What career would you like to pursue? A: art or music
Q: are you ok with …(see post) A: no
What this tells the student is that you may want to reconsider your path if you’re not cool with a bit of uncertainty.
If the person was cool with those stakes for the sake of their passion, then fuckin right on dude
If you present the decision tree with a series of Boolean options, a correct or incorrect approach makes sense. Again, this shit was a thing back in the 90s and it was all about guiding kids by showing them a gentle reality of choices. Not dystopian at all.
I mean, or it could be one of those high school aptitude tests where they try to figure out how to guide you in your future career. If someone picked an unstable career, it makes sense to follow up with the realities of it.
Idk about you guys, but they did this shit with me and my classmates back in the 90s and early aughts.
It’s an out of context image that has no other presence on the web aside from the memes, so it’s likely just rage bait bullshit.
Or it’s 4x10 shifts
… because you connected it to the internet. Don’t do it if you don’t want it to happen bud.
If you’re on the winning side, yeah they do
This describes a server, bartender, entrepreneur, consultant, or salesperson. It’s not unique or unheard of. It’s also far from dystopian.
…yes? But, as all people and legal systems agree, there are times when murder is legal and endorsed.
This is a pretty far stretch, dude.
Fuck man, don’t throw a grenade into the room without warning
Dude, I just said it’s not indentured servitude.
I never said the system wasn’t broken, in fact I’m on one of those horrible visas now.