Python port:
from ballsucker import suck
Python port:
from ballsucker import suck
All of this is okay, but it’s not production ready. This is what real production code looks like:
SuckableFactory suckableFactory = new SuckableFactory();
Suckable balls = suckableFactory
SuctionProvider mouth = SuctionProvider.getInstance();
SuckerFactory suckerFactory = new SuckerFactory();
Sucker sucker = SuckerFactory.create():
The $700 price tag suddenly makes a lot more sense.
Honestly…I’d take it if it set me up for life. Realistically, 99.9% of the people who can’t see past the moniker would never have mattered to me anyway and as for the stuff about your life being distilled to just that, who gives a flying fuck as long as you make sure you’re good with the life you lived and do right by the people you actually care about and that care about you. Besides “for life” in 2024 means “a year of being inactive, max”.
With that being said, someone in this thread said this is a symptom of a diseased society and I think they’re onto something.
Was gonna say this. As long as you run dnf update
before you upgrade and make sure there aren’t any left (you know, like their upgrade dpcs explicitly tell you to), you’re chilling.
Only issues I’ve had with fedora upgrades so far are plasma incompatibilities (not a fedora issue) and nvidia bullshit (not a fedora issue).
Lots of countries just don’t care about you downloading pirated content though, they just punish distribution.
I don’t really have that problem but for the places that do punish downloading, I hear VPNs can be helpful to mask your traffic and that ISPs don’t really care enough to pursue as long as you’re not blatant about it and have plausible deniability (“no, I just downloaded a linux ISO that happened to be exactly the size of a whole season of <insert show>, total coincidence”)
Obviously not legal advice though.
Honestly with the tech where it is today, there’s really no downsides to wireless with a dongle except maybe price at certain brackets. Most modern wireless gaming mice are as good if not better than their wired counterparts. If you don’t care about sensor performance or polling rate, you can still get a cheapo wireless mouse that performs about as well as the cheapo wired mouse you were gonna get anyway with the added convenience of no cables.