This takes a left turn if that is one of those ladles made with the super cancer black plastic that we’re all supposed to throw away now.
This takes a left turn if that is one of those ladles made with the super cancer black plastic that we’re all supposed to throw away now.
Eyyyyyy my people!
Still enjoyable to watch. I mean you can’t judge it by today’s standards but it is fun.
I’m sorry, wait a minute, back up.
There’s an animal called the mountain bongo?
And it is cute as a button?!
Best news of the day.
“I’m a homicidal maniac, they look just like everyone else.”
Fuck these authoritarian jacknards.
Also, good fucking luck. Maybe them denying bathroom breaks to people actively bleeding when they “aren’t supposed to” will help children get diagnosed with PCOS and other disorders earlier.
We’ve known that groundwater existed for verifiably more than 7,000 years (the age of the oldest well ever found). Springs and seeps are easily observable groundwater coming up out of the ground. I seriously doubt it was stumbled into by accident. We probably started by modifying springs for our use and then dug in other places to see if we could tap into the same source.
Oh my god they’re right.
*slow clap*
It’s not deep fried ranch dressing. The image clearly states it is fried ranch flavored cream cheese. Fried cheese isn’t weird.
Christmas decorations have been out since mid-September.
I fucking hate this. #TAKE BACK AUTUMN
Right? I’m reading it right now. It’s so dang cute I can’t stand it.
These are all playable in 5e-based Humblewood.
You should see his civil war ghost too. I fucking lost it.
I know you guys may think this is silly but cave ecosystems are so fragile. Yes you are damaging it by just being there but they have weighed the risk vs obligation when it comes to National Park accessibility and decided that limited guided tours were an acceptable sacrifice to enrich the lives of the general public.
This is devastating and feels terrible. Don’t take food inside a cave. Many caves have lockers outside. Don’t eat inside the cave. Keep your bag zipped until the end of the tour and carry it in front of you NOT ON YOUR BACK.
Ugh I want to slap this person who had an entirely preventable “accident” but they probably didn’t even get a ticket.
Spanish model Leticia Sardá is Celebrity Number Six.
PLEASE let “The Adjuster” stick! It’s too good!